INTER 9 Flashcards
Shave (v)
Shave (n)
tıraş olmak
to shave your head/legs
shaving cream/foam
He had a quick wash and shave.
Silly (adj)
aptal, şaşkın, sersem
silly games/hats
I feel silly in this hat.
situated (adj)
belli bir yerde olmak, bulunmak, konuşlanmak
a hotel situated by Lake Garda
The hotel is delightfully situated close to the waterfront.
solve (V)
solution (N)
çözmek, cevabını bulmak
to solve a problem
You can’t solve anything by just running away.
Stick (V)
stick (n)
Anne stuck a picture of her boyfriend on the wall.
suffer (V)
acı çekmek, ıstırap duymak, katlanmak, mustarip olmak
I can’t bear to see animals suffering
Supply (V) supplies supplier (N)
sağlamak, tedarik etmek, vermek
to supply food/drugs to people
This lake supplies the whole town with water
tend (V)
eğiliminde/meyilli/istekli/temayüllü olmak
I tend to wear dark colours.
Thunder (N)
gök gürlemesi
thunder and lightning
The loud thunder gave me a fright.
Tool (N)
âlet, takım
Always select the right tool for the job.
Tribe (N)
kabile, aşiret, boy, klân
Native American tribes
Trick (v)
Trick (N)
aldatmak, kandırmak, oyuna getirmek
They tricked him into signing the papers.
value (V)
value (N) valuable (adj)
değer vermek, önemsemek; kıymetlisi olmak
I always value his opinion.
variety (N)
çok çeşitli
Ben has done a variety of jobs.
view (V)
view (n)
görüş, düşünce
They were able to view the city from a helicopter.
Visual (adj)
The film has some powerful visual effects.
Wage (N)
weekly wages
the minimum wage
He earns a good wage .
Wave (V)
el sallamak /sallamak, sallanmak
She waved at him.
He started waving his arms about wildly
widespread (adj)
büyük çapta, yaygın
a widespread problem
widespread support
Illiteracy was widespread at that time.
Wood (N)
a piece of wood
Don’t whistle until you are out of the wood.