OXFORD B1.. Flashcards
frighten v. frightened adj. frightening adj.
to make someone afraid or nervous
It frightens me when he drives so fast.
a very frightening film
korkutmak, ürkütmek
frame n., v.
to put something such as a picture into a frame
I’m going to frame this and put it on the wall.
çerçeve, kasa
a picture frame
a window frame
folk n., adj.
country folk
old folk
fold v.
If you fold paper, cloth, etc, you bend it so that one part of it lies flat on top of another part.
He folded the letter in half.
flow v., n.
If something such as a liquid flows, it moves somewhere in a smooth, continuous way.
The river flows from the Andes to the ocean.
fixed adj.
decided already and not able to be changed
a fixed price
Is the date of the wedding fixed yet?
sabit, değişmez
file n.
Do you want to download all these files?
fence n.
a garden/electric fence
feature v.
to include someone or something as an important part
a new movie featuring Will Smith
birini/birşeyi önemli bir bölüme dahil etmek/yer vermek
far adj.
as far as I know
bildiğim kadarıyla
As far as I know, they haven’t reached a decision yet.
far too difficult/expensive/late, etc
far better/cheaper/more, etc
She was wearing a coat that was far too big for her.
Young people are far more independent these days.
fancy v., adj.
to want to have or do something
Do you fancy a drink?
We fancy going to the Caribbean for our holiday
düşlemek, arzu etmek, canı çekmek
to feel sexually attracted to someone
I fancied him the first time I saw him.
cinsel olarak çekici/cazibeli bulmak
to think that something is true
I fancy that he was smiling, but I can’t be sure.
zannetmek, sanmak, farzetmek
Fancy things and places are expensive and fashionable.
pahalı, moda olan, süslü
a fancy restaurant
fairly adv.
more than average, but less than very
a fairly big family
fairly quickly
oldukça; normalden biraz fazla çoktan az
done in a fair way
adilce, hakkaniyetle, adil
treating people fairly
export n., v.
to send goods to another country in order to sell them there
Singapore exports large quantities of rubber.
a product that you sell in another country
Scottish beef exports to Japan
ihrac etmek
explosion n.
the action of something such as a bomb exploding
Forty people were killed in the explosion.
patlama, infilak
experiment v.
to try something in order to discover what it is like
Did he ever experiment with drugs?
experience v. experienced adj.
If you experience something, it happens to you, or you feel it.
It was the worst pain I had ever experienced.
We experienced a lot of difficulty in selling our house
yaşamak, tecrübe etmek
expedition n.
an organized journey, especially a long one for a particular purpose
planlı/amaçlı gezi, inceleme/araştırma gezisi
Peary led the first expedition to the North Pole.
a shopping expedition
expand v.
to increase in size or amount, or to make something increase
We are hoping to expand our range of products.
genişle(t)mek, büyü(t)mek
exhibition n.
sergi, gösterime sunma, gösterilme
There’s a new exhibition of sculpture on at the city gallery.
excitement n.
a feeling of being very happy and enthusiastic
heyecan, coşku
The competition is causing a lot of excitement.
except conj.
not including a particular fact, thing, or person
…den başka; …in/ın dışında; …hariç
The boat sails from Oban every day except Sunday.
Everyone passed the exam except for Rory.
So nothing changed, except that Anna saw her son less and less.
examine v.
to look at someone or something very carefully, especially to try to discover something
She picked up the knife and examined it closely.
He was examined by a doctor as soon as he arrived.
incelemek, tetkik etmek
eventually adv.
in the end, especially after a long time
er geç, sonunda, nihayet
We all hope that an agreement can be reached eventually.
episode n.
one programme of a series shown on television
(tv dizisi) bölüm
Did you see last week’s episode of The X-Factor?
engaged adj.
If two people are engaged, they have formally agreed to marry each other.
When did they get engaged?
encourage v.
to make someone more likely to do something, or make something more likely to happen
My parents encouraged me to try new things.
Cutting back plants will encourage growth.
cesaret vermek, teşvik etmek
empty v.
If you empty a container, or if you empty the things inside it, you remove everything from it.
He emptied the dirty water into the sink.
employment n.
paid work that someone does for a person or company
iş, istihdam
full-time/part-time employment
It is not easy to find employment in the countryside.
employment opportunities/rights
embarrassed adj. embarrassing adj.
feeling ashamed or shy
She felt embarrassed about undressing in front of the doctor.
I was too embarrassed to admit that I was scared.
mahcup, utanmış, sıkılmış
edge n.
the part around something that is furthest from the centre
Rick was sitting on the edge of the bed.
duty n.
something you do as part of your job or because of your position
görev, iş
professional/official duties
due adj.
expected or planned
He was due to fly back this morning.
Her book is due out (expected to be published) next week.
When is the baby due (= expected to be born)?
due to sth
because of something
… yüzünden; den dolayı, nedeniyle/sebebiyle
The train was late due to snow.
Money that is due is owed to someone and must be paid.
ödenmesi gerekli olan
The rent is due today.
correct and suitable
doğru, uygun, gerekli
He was fined for driving without due care and attention.
drum n.
Anna plays the drums.
dressed adj.
to put clothes on yourself or someone else
I usually get dressed before having breakfast.
giyinmek, giydirmek
donate v.
to give money or goods to a person or organization that needs help
Four hundred new computers were donated to the college.
bağışlamak, hibe etmek
dirt n.
kir, pislik, çamur, toz toprak
There’s dirt all over the floor.
direct v., adv. directly adv.
to tell the actors in a film or play what to do
a film directed by Alfred Hitchcock
to show or tell someone how to get to a place
Can you direct me to the manager’s office please?
going straight from one place to another without turning or stopping
dosdoğru, dümdüz, aktarmasız
We went by the most direct route.
diagram n.
şema, şekil
determine v. determined adj.
to discover the facts or truth about something
belirlemek, saptamak, tespit etmek
The doctors are still unable to determine what is wrong.
to decide what will happen
Her exam results will determine which university she goes to.
He’s determined to win this match.
despite prep.
… e/a rağmen/karşın
I’m still pleased with the house despite all the
He managed to eat lunch despite having had an enormous breakfast.
departure n.
the act of leaving a place, especially to start a journey to another place
kalkış, hareket, ayrılma
the departure of flight BA117
This fare is valid for weekday departures from Manchester.
definite adj.
certain, fixed, and not likely to change
We need a definite answer by tomorrow.
curtain n.
currency n. current adj. currently adv.
happening or existing now What is your current address? currently şu anda The factory currently employs 750 people.
cruel adj.
extremely unkind, or causing people or animals to suffer
vicdansız, acımasız, zalim
a cruel joke
Many people think hunting is cruel to animals.
court n.
The suspect appeared in court charged with robbery.
countryside n.
kırsal alan
count v.
to say numbers in their correct order
Can you count to twenty in French?
I counted the money on the table.
saymak, hesap etmek
cottage n.
kulübe, kır/dağ evi
convince v.
to make someone believe that something is true
He tried to convince me that I needed a new car.
She convinced the jury of her innocence.
ikna etmek, inandırmak
convenient adj.
easy to use or suiting your plans well
tam, müsait, uygun
When would be a convenient time to meet?
near or easy to get to
yakın, ulaşımı kolay, elverişli
The new supermarket is very convenient for me
conveniently=elverişli bir şekilde
contrast n., v.
karşılaştırma, kıyaslama, tezat, zıtlık
The contrast between their lifestyles couldn’t be greater.
…e zıt olarak; …nin aksine
She’s quite petite, in contrast with her tall sister.
contact n., v.
temas, ilişki, münasebet
We keep in close contact with our grandparents.
Jo and I are determined not to lose contact.
consume v. consumer n.
to use something such as a product, energy, or fuel
These lights don’t consume much electricity.
to eat or drink something
consist v.
to be formed or made from two or more things
a dessert consisting of fruit and cream
… den oluşmak/meydana gelmek
consequence n.
sonuç, netice
The ship capsized, with disastrous consequences.
confuse v. confused adj.
to make someone unable to think clearly or understand something
şaşırtmak, kafası karışmak
These advertisements simply confused the public.
I don’t see how anyone could confuse me with my mother!
candidate n.
a presidential candidate
confirm v.
to say or show that something is true
His wife confirmed that he’d left the house at 8.
doğrulamak, onaylamak
to make an arrangement certain
Flights should be confirmed 48 hours before
kesinleştirmek, teyit etmek
confident adj.
certain about your ability to do things well
a confident grin
He feels confident of winning.
Doctors are confident that she’ll recover.
emin, kendinden emin
confidently=kendine güvenir bir şekilde
conclude v. conclusion n.
to end something such as a meeting, speech, or piece of writing by doing or saying one last thing
The concert concluded with a firework display.
bit(ir)mek, son er(dir)mek, sonuçlandırmak
I would like to conclude by thanking you all for attending.
The report concluded that the drug was safe.
to complete something, especially an agreement or a business arrangement
Talks aimed at concluding the peace treaty will begin
tamamlamak, bitirmek, sonuçlandırmak
competitor n. competitive adj.
wanting to win or to be more successful than other people
hırslı, rekabeti seven
She’s very competitive.
competitively=yarışır gibi
comparison n.
mukayese, kıyaslama, karşılaştırma
They published a comparison of schools in the area.
She’s so tall that he looks tiny by/in comparison.
There’s no comparison.=kıyaslanamaz, karşılaştırılamaz
communication n.
iletişim, haberleşme, bildirişim
The school is improving communication between teachers and parents.
We are in direct communication with Moscow.
commit v.
to do something that is considered wrong, or that is illegal
(yasa dışı iş, suç vb.) işlemek, yapmak
He was sent to prison for a crime that he didn’t commit.
to commit suicide/adultery
to make a firm decision that you will do something
kesin karar vermek, kendini sorumlu kılmak
He committed himself to helping others.
commercial adj., n.
relating to buying and selling things
ticari, ticarete ilişkin
commercially=ticari olarak
coal n.
taş kömürü
client n.
claim v., n.
a statement that something is true, although you have not proved it
She claimed that the dog attacked her.
He claims to have seen a ghost.
iddia etmek, ileri sürmek
chest n.
göğüs kafesi
a hairy chest
chest pains
cheerful adj.
I’m not feeling very cheerful today.
cheat v., n.
to behave in a way that is not honest or fair in order to win something or to get something
She was caught UK cheating in her French exam/ US cheating on her French exam.
He cheats at cards
hile yapmak, aldatmak, kandırmak
chain n.
zincir, halka
a bicycle chain
cap n.
bury v.
to put a dead body into the ground
He was buried next to his wife.
gömmek, defnetmek
bubble n.
hava kabarcığı
bride n.
the bride and groom
branch n.
a part of a subject
bir konunun bölümü
Neurology is a branch of medicine.
bother v.
to annoy someone by trying to get their attention when they do not want to see you or talk to you
Sorry to bother you, but could you spare any change?
taciz etmek, canını sıkmak
to make someone feel worried or upset
birini üzmek, endişeye sevketmek
Living on my own doesn’t bother me at all.
to make the effort to do something
uğraşmak, didinmek, çaba sarfetmek
Don’t bother making the bed - I’ll do it later.
He didn’t even bother to call.
can’t be bothered informal=hiç işim yoktu sanki, bana ne
border n.
the border between France and Spain
We crossed the border from Canada into the US.
board v.
to get on a bus, boat, aircraft, etc
gemi, tren, uçak vb. araçlara binmek
He boarded the train to London.
bend v., n.
to move your body or part of your body so that it is not straight
eğmek, bükmek
He was bending over to tie his shoelaces.
Bend your knees when lifting heavy objects.
bell n.
the sound of church bells ringing
bee n.
the queen bee
battle n.
the Battle of Waterloo
Her grandfather was killed in battle