OXFORD B2... Flashcards
somewhat adv.
oldukça, az çok, az buçuk
We were somewhat disappointed with the food.
steep adj.
A steep slope, hill, etc goes up or down very quickly.
dik, sarp, yalçın
The hill was too steep to cycle up.
A steep increase or fall in something is very big and quick.
büyük, önemli, aşırı, haddinden fazla
a steep rise in prices
Hotel prices are steep at $300 for a room.
steel n.
a very strong metal made from iron
steady adj.
happening at a gradual, regular rate
devamlı, sürekli, düzenli
steady economic growth
He has had a steady flow/stream of visitors.
not changing
She drove at a steady speed.
stare v.
to look at someone or something for a long time and not move your eyes
Sean was staring at me.
spot v.
to see or notice something or someone
They were spotted together in London last week.
She soon spotted the mistake.
split v., n.
If something splits or if you split it, it tears so that there is a long, thin hole in it.
He split his trousers when he bent over.
Her shoes were splitting apart at the sides.
speed v.
to move somewhere or happen very fast
The three men jumped into a car and sped away.
specialist n., adj.
someone who has a lot of experience, knowledge, or skill in a particular subject
a cancer/software specialist
He’s a specialist in childhood illnesses.
soul n.
ruh, duygu, hissiyat
maintain v.
to make a situation or activity continue in the same way
The army has been brought in to maintain order in the region.
to keep a building or area in good condition
A large house is very expensive to maintain.
oppose v.
to disagree with a plan or activity and to try to change or stop it
The committee opposed a proposal to allow women to join the club.
opponent n.
someone who you compete against in a game or competition
He beat his opponent six games to two.
operate v.
If an organization or business operates, it is working, and if you operate it, you manage it and make it work.
Our company is operating under very difficult conditions at present.
If a machine operates, it does what it is designed to do, and if you operate it, you make it do what it is designed to do.
You have to be trained to operate the machinery.
to treat an illness or injury by cutting someone’s body and removing or repairing part of it
Did they have to operate on him?
opening n.
a hole or space that something or someone can pass through
We found an opening in the fence and climbed through.
a ceremony at the beginning of an event or activity
I’ve been invited to the opening of the new exhibition on Tuesday.
offend v.
to make someone upset or angry
kırmak, gücendirmek, darıltmak, küstürmek
I was deeply offended by her comments.
occasionally adv.
not happening often
He still plays the occasional game of football.
obtain v.
to get something
to obtain permission
He obtained a law degree from the University of California.
observe v.
observation n.
to watch someone or something carefully
Children learn by observing adults.
the act of watching someone or something carefully
The doctor wants to keep him under observation for a week.
obligation n.
something that you do because it is your duty or because you feel you have to
yükümlülük, mecburiyet, zorunluluk
a moral/legal obligation
to fulfil an obligation
He was under no obligation to answer any questions.
objective n., adj.
something that you are trying to achieve
His main objective was to increase profits.
object v.
to feel or say that you do not like or do not approve of something or someone
We objected to his unreasonable demands.
Would anyone object if I were to leave early?
numerous adj.
pek çok, çok fazla, sayısız
He is the author of numerous articles.
notion n.
an idea or belief
kavram, inanış, fikir, nosyon
The notion of sharing is unknown to most two-year-olds.
nightmare n.
a very unpleasant experience
The traffic can be a real nightmare after 4.30.
nevertheless adv.
despite that
yine de, bununla beraber, buna rağmen, mamafih
I knew a lot about the subject already, but her talk was interesting nevertheless.
nerve n.
sinir, asap
the optic nerve
nerve cells/endings
the quality of being brave
cesaret, yüreklilik
I haven’t got the nerve to tell him I’m leaving.
He lost his nerve and couldn’t go through with it.
neat adj.
tidy and clean
He always looks very neat and tidy.
mysterious adj.
strange or unknown, and not explained or understood
esrarengiz, tuhaf, acayip, esrarlı, anlaşılmaz
a mysterious stranger
the mysterious death of her son
mount v.
to increase in amount or level
Tension in the room was mounting.
to fix an object onto something
tutturmak, koymak, yerleştirmek, monte etmek
They’ve mounted a camera on the wall by the door.
modify v. moral adj.
to change something in order to improve it
değişiklik yapmak
The plans will have to be modified to reduce costs.
genetically modified food
minister n.
bakan; kabine üyesi
a finance/health minister
military adj., n.
relating to the army, navy, or air force
military action/service
measurement n.
the size and shape of something
I’ve taken measurements of all the rooms.
means n.
a way of doing something
vasıta, yol, araç
We had no means of communication.
It was a means of making money.
mass n., adj.
involving a lot of people
toplu, kitle
mass destruction/unemployment
a mass murderer
matching adj. , n.
having the same colour or pattern as something else
uygun, uyumlu olan
She wore purple shorts and a matching T-shirt.
master n., v.
to learn how to do something well
to master a technique
He lived for several years in Italy but never quite mastered the language.
massive adj.
very big
muazzam, iri, çok büyük, muhteşem
a massive building
massive debts
opposed adj.
be opposed to sth
to disagree with a plan or activity
karşı/muhalif olmak
We’re not opposed to tax increases.
range v.
range from sth to sth
to have several different amounts or types
farklı miktar ve türler arasında değişmek
Tickets range from $12 to $35.
Choose from 13 colours, ranging from classic white to antique blue.
pursue v.
If you pursue a plan, activity, or situation, you try to do it or achieve it, usually over a long period of time.
to follow someone or something, usually to try to catch them
elde etmeye çalışmak, kovalamak
She decided to pursue a career in television.
The car was pursued by helicopters.
pure adj.
A pure substance is not mixed with anything else.
saf, halis, has
pure gold
pure wool
purchase n., v.
to buy something
Tickets must be purchased two weeks in advance.
prospect n.
the possibility that something good might happen in the future
olasılık, ihtimal, imkân, umut
Is there any prospect of the weather improving?
propose v.
proposal n.
to suggest a plan or action
önermek, teklif etmek
I propose that we delay our decision until we have more information.
proposed changes
to ask someone to marry you
evlenme teklif etmek
He proposed to me on my birthday.
process v.
to deal with information or documents in an official way
üzerinde çalışmak; işleme tâbi tutmak, bilgisayar kulanarak ve resmî şekilde ele almak; işleme sokmak
Visa applications take 28 days to process.
privacy n.
the state of being alone so that people cannot see or hear what you are doing
gizlilik, mahremiyet, özel hayat
I hate sharing a bedroom - I never get any privacy.
priority n.
something that is very important and that must be dealt with before other things
öncelik, önceliği olan
My first/top priority is to find somewhere to live.
prime adj.
main, or most important
asıl, esas, ana, baş
the prime suspect in a murder investigation
price v.
to say what the price of something is
fiyatlandırmak, fiyat biçmek
The book is priced at $40.
preserve v.
to keep something the same or prevent it from being damaged or destroyed
to preserve peace
to preserve the environment
preparation n.
the things that you do or the time that you spend preparing for something
hazırlama, hazırlanma, hazırlık
Did you do much preparation for your interview?
praise n., v.
to say that you admire someone or something, or that they are very good
He praised the team’s performance.
possess v.
to have or own something
sahip olmak; …ın/in sahibi olmak
He was found guilty of possessing an illegal weapon.
pose v.
to stay in a particular position so that someone can paint or photograph you
poz vermek, modellik etmek
The two leaders posed for photographs outside the White House.
pointed adj.
If someone says something in a pointed way, they intend to criticize someone.
iğneleyerek, imâ yollu, anlamlı, maksatlı, kinayeli
He made some pointed references to her history of drug problems.
A pointed object has a thin, sharp end.
sivri, sivri uçlu
a pointed chin/beard
plot v.
to make marks on a map, picture, etc to show the position or development of something
This chart plots the position of all aircraft.
plain adj.
simple and not complicated
plain food
pitch n.
to make something suitable for a particular level or group of people
His talk was pitched at slightly too high a level for the audience.
to try to persuade someone to do something
They are pitching for new business at the moment.
philosophy n.
Descartes is considered by many to be the father of modern philosophy.
phenomenon n.
something that exists or happens, usually something unusual
olay, olgu, fenomen
storms, lightning, and other natural phenomena
Road rage seems to be a fairly recent phenomenon.
phase n.
a stage or period that is part of a longer period
evre, aşama, safha, kademe
The first phase of the project is scheduled for completion next year.
My younger daughter is going through a phase of only wearing black.
permit v., n.
to allow something
Photography is not permitted inside the museum.
He permitted them to leave.
permanent adj.
continuing forever or for a long time
kalıcı, uzun süreli
permanent damage
a permanent job
parliament n.
in some countries, a group of people who make the laws for the country
the Russian parliament
pace n., v.
to walk around because you are worried or excited about something
He kept pacing up and down, glancing at his watch.
owe v.
to have to pay money back to someone
You still owe me money.
He owes a lot of money to the bank.
overall adj., adv.
considering everything or everyone
tümü, hepsi, toplamı, geneli, tamamı
the overall cost of the holiday
the overall effect
outline n., v.
to describe only the most important ideas or facts about something
ana hatlarını açıklamak
He outlined the department’s plans for next year.
outer adj.
on the edge or surface of something
dış, dıştaki
Remove the outer layers of the onion.
otherwise adv.
except for what has just been referred to
yoksa; …nın/nini dışında
She hurt her arm in the accident, but otherwise she was fine.
origin n.
kaynak, köken, başlangıç
the origin of the universe
This dish is Greek in origin.
satisfied adj. satisfy v.
pleased because you have got what you wanted, or because something has happened in the way that you wanted
tatmin olmuş, memnun, memnunluk duyan
Are you satisfied with the new arrangement?
satellite n.
(yapay) uydu
a spy/weather satellite
resolve v.
to solve or end a problem or difficulty
bir sorunu çözmek, güçlüğü gidermek, sonlandırmak, halletmek
an attempt to resolve the dispute
to decide that you will do something and be determined to do it
karar vermek, azmetmek, aklına koymak
I have resolved to keep my bedroom tidy.
rubber n., adj.
lastik, kauçuk
silgi, kurşun kalem silgisi
rub v.
to press your hand or a cloth on a surface and move it backwards and forwards
She rubbed her hands together to warm them.
Rub the stain with a damp cloth.
rid v.
get rid of sth
to throw something away or give something to someone because you do not want it now
kurtulmak, başından defetmek/atmak
We must get rid of some of those old books.
to end something unpleasant
son vermek, kesip atmak; yakasını kurtarmak
I can’t seem to get rid of this headache.
reward n., v.
something good that you get or experience because you have worked hard, behaved well, etc
ödül, armağan, karşılık; büyük çaba/alın teri karşılığı
There’ll be a reward for whoever finishes first.
revolution n.
something good that you get or experience because you have worked hard, behaved well, etc
ödül, armağan, karşılık; büyük çaba/alın teri karşılığı
There’ll be a reward for whoever finishes first.
reveal v.
to give someone a piece of information that is surprising or that was previously secret
açıklamak, ifşa etmek
It was revealed in this morning’s papers that the couple intend to marry.
retain v.
to continue to keep something
Will this beauty queen retain her crown?
rapidly adv.
rapid adj.
happening or moving very quickly
hızlı, süratli, çok çabuk
rapid change/growth