CHAPTER 3 Flashcards
accomplish (v)
to succeed in doing something good
I feel as if I’ve accomplished nothing all day.
anticipate (V)
to expect something, or to prepare for something before it happens
We anticipate that prices will fall next year.
apply (V)
to ask officially for something, often by writing
to affect or relate to a particular person or situation
to use something in a particular situation
He has applied to several companies.
This law only applies to married people.
The same method can be applied to other situations.
concentrate (V)
to think very carefully about something you are doing and nothing else
I can’t concentrate on my work.
consist (V)
consist of sth
to be formed or made from two or more things
a dessert consisting of fruit and cream
curve (v)
a line that bends round like part of a circle
a road with gentle curves
decline (V)
If you decline something, you refuse it politely.
He declined to comment.
desire (V)
to want something
You can have whatever you desire.
imply (V)
to suggest or show something, without saying it directly
Are you implying that I’m fat?
launch (V)
to begin an important activity
to send a spacecraft or bomb into the sky, or a ship into the water
They managed to launch on a new business.
purchase (V)
to buy something
Tickets must be purchased two weeks in advance.
pursue (V)
to follow someone or something, usually to try to catch them
The car was pursued by helicopters.
reflect (V)
to show or be a sign of something
The buildings reflect the elegance of a bygone era.
reflect (V)
reflection (n)
to show or be a sign of something
The buildings reflect the elegance of a bygone era.
suit (V)
to make someone look more attractive
to be acceptable or right for someone
Green really suits you.
suspect (V)
to think that someone may have committed a crime or done something bad, to not trust someone or something
They suspected that he was lying.
specify (V)
to say or describe something in a detailed way
They didn’t specify what colour they wanted.
tend (V)
to often do a particular thing or be likely to do a particular thing
I tend to wear dark colours.
July and August tend to be our busiest months.
boast (V)
to talk with too much pride about what you have done or what you own
Liam boasted that he owned two sports cars.
cast (V)
to throw something
to choose an actor for a particular part in a film or play
charm (V)
to attract someone or persuade someone to do something because of your charm
We were charmed by his boyish manner.
conquer (V)
to take control of a country or to defeat people by war
Peru was conquered by the Spanish in 1532.
cope (V)
to deal quite successfully with a difficult situation
How do you cope with stress?
extract (V)
to take something out, especially using force
The dentist may decide to extract the tooth.
hammer (V)
to hit something with a hammer
handle (V)
to deal with something
We all have to learn to handle stress.
insult (V)
insulting (adj)
to say or do something to someone that is rude and offensive
How dare you insult me in front of my friends!
interfere (V)
to try to control or become involved in a situation, in a way that is annoying
You shouldn’t interfere in other people’s business
occupy (V)
to fill a place or period of time
His book collection occupies most of the room.
remedy (V)
to solve a problem, or to improve a bad situation
They were able to remedy the problem very easily.
resemble (V)
to look like or be like someone or something
She resembles her father.
campaign (n)
a series of organized activities or events intended to achieve a result
an advertising/election campaign
caution (n)
great care and attention not to take risks or get into danger
I would treat anything he says with extreme caution
speciality (n)
a product, skill, etc that a person or place is especially known for
We tasted a local speciality made from goat’s cheese.
shareholder (N)
someone who owns shares in a company
a shareholders’ meeting
shame (N)
It’s a real shame to waste all this food.
servant (n)
someone who works and lives in someone else’s house doing their cooking and cleaning, especially in the past
semi (N)
half or partly
segment (n)
one of the parts that something can be divided into
sake (n)
for this reason or purpose
For the sake of convenience, they combined the two departments.
razor (n)
ustura, tıraş makinası
punch (n)
yumruklama, yumruk atma
a punch on the nose
engel, mâni
to overcome an obstacle
needle (n)
iğne, şırınga
nail (n)
çivi, tırnak
mission (n)
an important job, usually travelling somewhere
I’ll be going on a fact-finding mission to Paris next week.
hint (n)
ima, ipucu
I took the hint and left at once.
Should I drop a hint to Matt?
guilt (n)
the fact that someone has done something illegal
The prosecution must convince the jury of his guilt.
fence (n)
a garden/electric fence
circumstance (n)
a fact or event that makes a situation the way it is
She died in suspicious circumstances.
capacity (n)
hacim, kapasite
The restaurant has a capacity of about 200.
The stadium was filled to capacity
bias (n)
The government has accused the media of bias.
That is the central thesis of the book.
tendency (n)
eğilim, meyil
She has a tendency to talk for too long.
specification (n)
pursuit (n)
peşini bırakmama
The police are in pursuit of a 25-year-old murder suspect.
rate (n)
the birth rate
the rate of unemployment
phase (n)
evre, aşama, safha
It was a very important phase of history.
mayor (n)
belediye başkanı
critic (n)
a theatre/film critic
concept (n)
an idea or principle
the concept of free speech
biased (adj)
The newspapers are notably biased.
cautious (adj)
taking care to avoid risks or danger
dikkatli, itinalı
She is cautious about lending money to anyone.
classified (adj)
Classified information is officially kept secret by a government.
gizli, mahrem
classified documents/information
conscious (adj)
to know that something is present or that something is happening
I’m very conscious that a lot of people disagree with me.
critical (adj)
critically (adv)
extremely serious or dangerous
The doctors said her condition was critical and she might not survive.
a critical decision
skeptical (adj)
şüpheci, kuşkucu
Others are skeptical of that interpretation.
specialized (adj)
uzmanlaşmış, ihtisas görmüş
These tools are very specialized.
suspicious (adj)
kuşkulu, şüpheli
suspicious behaviour/circumstances
I called airport security after noticing a suspicious package.
unconscious (adj)
in a state as though you are sleeping, for example because you have been hit on the head
baygın, bayılmış
She was found alive but unconscious.
coherent (adj)
A coherent argument, plan, etc is clear, and each part of it has been carefully considered.
tutarlı, ahenkli, kolay anlaşılır
extraordinary (adj)
very special, unusual, or strange
an extraordinary tale of courage
She was an extraordinary young woman.
faint (adj)
to feel very weak and as if you might fall down
bayılmak üzere olmak; halsiz hissetmek
Seeing all the blood made me feel faint.
fancy (adj)
to want to have or do something
düşlemek, arzu etmek
Do you fancy a drink?
We fancy going to the Caribbean for our holiday.
innocent (adj)
an innocent young woman
instant (adj)
happening immediately
I’ll be back in an instant.
intellectual (adj)
zihinsel, akla dayanan
intellectual work
intellectual and physical development
loyal (adj)
always liking and supporting someone or something, sometimes when other people do not
sâdık, vefalı
a loyal supporter
She’s very loyal to her friends.
sensory (adj)
suitable (adj)
acceptable or right for someone or something
a suitable time to call
This film is suitable for children.
eventually (adv)
in the end, especially after a long time
er geç, sonunda, nihayet
We all hope that an agreement can be reached eventually.
specifically (adv)
for a particular reason, purpose, etc
özellikle, bilhassa
They’re designed specifically for children.
She bought it specifically to wear at the wedding.
unlikely (adv)
not expected to happen
He’s unlikely to arrive before midday.