Unit 8: Important Concepts Flashcards
The political position of demanding a favored status for certain established inhabitants of a nation. Essentially fuck you non white people
Trade Associations
Organised and funded by business, it participates in public relations activities such as advertising, education, political donations, lobbying and publishing. Main focus was company to company relations.
The Three “R”s
FDR’s three objectives for which he called the Hundred Days relief, recovery, and reform
New Deal
a series of domestic programs enacted in the United States by FDR between 1933 and 1938 to improve lack of jobs and poverty because of the Great Depression
a political system in which the state holds total authority over the society. Some thought FDR’s New Deal Agencies were turning America into a totalitarianism society.
The movement in American Protestantism that arose in the early part of the 20th century in reaction to modernism. Basically it was “shit, technology, but God”
Buying on Margin
Allowed people to borrow most of the cost of the stock, making down payments as low as 10 percent. Help start Great Depression
Farm Bloc
A group of both Democratic and Republican members of Congress from the farming states of the Middle West that pressures the federal government to adopt policies favorable to farmers. So farmers in congress
Dust Bowl
A period of severe dust storms in America because of over farming. Fucking sucked for farmers
Hundred Days
The first hundred days of FDR’s first term where he made a bunch of new programs to address the Great Depression
It was America saying fuck you Europe, don’t want no part of your stupid war
Florida Land Boom
Extreme example of real estate speculation during the 1920s; completely worthless properties were sold at high prices to eager and stupid consumers. End when Hurricane fucked everything over
Stock Market
he market in which shares of publicly held companies are issued. Too many Americans investing in stock market in help sparked Depression
A worthless piece of shit project
Court Packing Scheme
FDR’s scheme to try and remove all the old shits and fatass’s from Congress and replace them with more reasonable people