Unit 3: Important Events Flashcards
Missouri Compromise
Missouri Comprimise was what created Maine to appease the slave states, make the numbers even.
Treaty of Ghent
Peace treaty of the War of 1812, DIDN’T MEAN JACK, they took our ships regardless.
“Revolution of 1800”
The election of 1800. It was a revolution because the party change and a bunch of stuff. Pretty much a bunch of swag yo.
Battle of Horseshoe Bend
Decisice battle against the indians lead by Andrew Jackson, caused the remaining fighting indians to go more West.
Florida Purchase Treaty
Because Spain was a bunch of bitches at the time, they sold Florida for like, not taking over Texas, which we did anyways. #suchscam #soamerica
2nd Bank of the United States
Bank lead by Nicholas Biddle, helped stabalize the economy and was alright until he tried to exploit it to convince people he wasn’t obsolete. What a bitch.
McCulloch v. Maryland
Landmark case, said that people couldn’t undermine the bank, because it was a national institution.
Tariff of 1816
First tariff, supported by the South, and based entirely on helping the economy. #4DaMoney
Cohens v. Virginia
Dudes tried to sell lottery tickets in a different state, and the court ruled for the state, because you know, their godamned laws.
American System
Tariffs, a national bank, and roads and transportation, made so that we could be self sustaining and prosperious without those European hoez. #Merica4Days
Commonwealth v. Hunt
Ruling that labor parties were important. I’m not sure about the details. Umm, yeah.
South Carolina Exposition
Crazy fuckers yelling about how they would godamned ceceed if they though stuff was unconstitutional, lead by the southern dude who’se name started with a C.
South Carolina Exposition
Specie Circular
No paper money. Only gold and not worthless stuff was taken, which made it VERY hard to pay for stuff, actually impossible #SUCHFORCLOSURE #MUCHSAD #WOW #GETFUCKEDOBAMA
“Trail of Tears”
Cheroquie [sic] mostly, all marching in a forced march, thousands upon thousands died, and erryone cried. #trailofcry
Marbury v. Madison
They can’t give the title of judgeship because it’s outside of the juristiction and is constitutional, because yolo.
War of 1812
We wanted Canadia, lots of tension, tension about X Y Z, we wanted British OUT, but then they sent all the military here, battle of new orleans turned it around, and war ended and swag.
Judiciary Act of 1801
Midnight Judges. Nuff said. (John Marshal was cool)
Embargo Act
Ships done didn’t leave. Jefferson wuz a ho. Erryone poor.
Treaty of 1818
Set the borders of what was British and what was American in the new world, important because, you know, that land shit. Kinda a lot of monay. #PoliticalConfusiuonSolved #wow
Fletcher v. Peck
the frst case in which the supreme court ruled a state law unconstitutional. also hinted that natives didnt own their lands and supported the sanctity of contracts.
Bonus Bill of 1817
the idea that profits from the bank of the US would be earmarked for internal improvement funds. didnt pan out.
Tallmadge Amendment
a proposed amendment to the charter of misouri that would force slavery out of the state within a generation. pissed off slave states, didnt pass.
Gibbons v. Ogden
ogden owned a ferry service in the area around new york. ogden tried to push gibbons out of buisness, gibbons sued. new york supported the monopoly, supreme court shot it down. set up a framework that the supreme court decides issues of interstate commerce.
Era of Good Feelings
a desire for unity in the US, saw the destruction fo the federalist party, closely associated with monroes presidency.
“Revolution of 1828”
formed the 2 party system that we maintain till today and shaped politics.
lots a shit, who knows.
Peggy Eaton Affair
all the wives of the cabinet members where bitches and peggy was a slut. the enitre cabinet except for martin van buren resigned for no god damn reason.
Tariff of 1833
a gradual reduction of the terrif of abominations, meant to hold the union between the north and the south together.
Lone Star Republic
texas when texas was a country. broke off from spain/mexico, was independant for 10 years.
Non-Intercourse Act
a whole bunch of laws preventing interaction with the natives.
Battle of New Orleans
the british attack on new orleans, british got owned and was a huge victory for the US. the battle happened after the treaty ending the war had been signed.
Chesapeake Incident
a ship was boarded by the british, except they didnt like that, so they decided to attack. however, there ship sucked, so after one cannon shot, they gave up and the british were pissed and hung a guy. pissed off america.
Louisiana Purchase
the purchase of a massive chunk of territory from the french after their defeat in the haitian rebellion. doubled the size of the country and left only us, spain, and britain in north america.
Hartford Convention
convention disucssing a whole bunch of stuff, like getting rid of the 3/5ths law and requiring a 2/3rds majority in congress to declare war.
Land Act of 1820
a system for buying government owned land in the west so that farmers could pay it off over 4 years.
Monroe Doctrine
the doctrine essentially says any colonization of the americas would be treates as an act of war by the US.
Missouri Compromise
prevents slavery above a certain latitude line across the US, except for missouri, they got slavery.
Panic of 1819
more economic collapse, woo hoo.essentially the napoleonic wars stomped economics.
Election of 1824
was “ the corrupt bargain” because the election was decided by the house of representatives because of a tie.
Twelfth Amendment
if no president canidates get the majority of the electoral votes, then the vote goes to the house of reps.
Tariff of Abominations
a tarrif to protect northern industry, hurt the south a lot. south carolina resisted the terrif, which prompted the force bill.
Force Bill
a bill that allowed the president to deploy the US army against a state. enacted when south carolina resisted the terrifs.
Maysville Road Veto
Andrew Jackson’s veto of a bill that would allow the federal government to buy stock in roads/railroads.
Panic 1837
economic panic in 1837 was just your run of the mill recession. less money, less employment, life sucked