Unit 10: Important Groups Flashcards
War Protesters
People protesting the war, mostly students and others who just didn’t have jobs protesting Vietnam war, until it was invaded and then everyone was all like “fuck this,” you do you boo.
Silent Majority
Nixon’s silent majority was the young people who had all these opinions but like couldn’t do much about it, ya know.
Palestinian Liberation Organization; formed in 1964 with the purpose of creating a homeland for Palestinians in Israel.
Christian Right
Created by Reagan, brought the christian values into the government #sorightsoright
Feminists were all about that feminism. They came out in this age in support of equal pay and stuff like that, hasn’t really ended.
The radical group of revolutionaries in Nicaragua, that we funded with illegal arms money from selling to Iran (aka some middle eastern country lol) #ReaganSoScandal
The Plumbers
People whose job it was to stop leaks of what Nixon was trying to achieve from being let out of the White House
Young Upwardly-Mobile Professionals in their 20’s and 30’s, image of young professionals in business during the 80’s
Gas and oil company that in raising it’s prices far beyond what was reasonable for the American republic, funded the Russians largely as they had all that natural gas stuff. Caused the energy crisis in the 70’s.
Polish labor union crushed by the communist-imposed martial-law regime in 1983
Moral Majority
Part of the Christian Right in the Reagan administration, they based their whole thing on like
Black Panthers
Black Civil Rights group, acted with violence and sort of policed the police,
Hippies/Flower Child
Era of people dedicated to peace and stuff, followed the baby boomers into their college years, where lots of their student activism and involvement in this group of people.
National Organization of Women (NOW)
The feminist group of the eighties, they made lots of progress in legislation, for women in the era.
Gay Liberation Movement
A movement to make gay rights a less taboo topic in the United States, and made headway in making it not seem like a disease with people coming out to their parents.