Unit 7: Important Concepts Flashcards
Austrian Ballot
Secret Ballot: No one knows how a citizen voted
Voting publicly to petition state government to consider bills wanted by people
Square Deal
Control of the corporations, consumer protection, and the conservation of the United States’ natural resources.
Movement in America to begin preserving natural resources and stop the rapid destruction of these resources and land.
Guerrilla Warfare
a hit-and-run technique used in fighting a war; fighting by small bands of warriors using tactics such as sudden ambushes
“Remember the Maine!”
Yellow Journalism placing blame on Spanish for the explosion of the Maine
subjected all white males between the ages of eighteen and thirty-five to military service
Unrestricted Submarine Warfare (U-Boats)
Germany declared Unrestricted Submarine Warfare because they couldn’t distinguish certainly enough from merchant and armed vessels.
Yellow Journalism
journalism that exploits, distorts, or exaggerates the news to create sensations and attract readers
Voters have the right to remove elected representatives from office
Gave voters the right to decide if a proposed state law should be passed
Trust Busting
TR defined the Sherman Anti-trust act to have good trusts and bad trusts. Bigness is not Badness. Opportunity for mass production savings, but not monopoly.
New Nationalism
TR progressive political policy. government protection of human welfare and property rights
Spheres of Influence
In international affairs, the territory where a powerful state exercises the dominant control over weaker states or territories
is aggressive, nationalistic and patriotic expansion.
Direct Primary
Choice of who runs for office to voters, rather than political bosses.
National Forest
protect the landscape for continued and responsible lumbering.
New Freedom
Woodrow Wilson domestic policy emphasized business competition and small government. It sought to reign in federal authority, release individual energy, and restore competition. free economy
Big-Stick Diplomacy
The policy held by Teddy Roosevelt in foreign affairs. The readiness to use military force if necessary. intimidating countries without harming them.
the rapid expansion of pretty much all of the powerful countries. they all wanted to break off pieces of other places.
the promise of Harding, president after WW1, to return to how life was before. that would have been cool if it weren’t for the whole WW2 thing…
essentially, if your country is committed to basic human rights and cooperation with other nations, you will essentially be left alone.
Collective Security
an agreement between many countries to help and protect each other.