Unit 4: Important Figures Flashcards
Dorothea Dix
asylum reformer, established early mental asylums and worked with military nurses to establish nursing standards.
ralph waldo emmerson
leader of the transcendentalist movement, which was a protest against the general state of culture and society.
lyman beecher
member of the temperance movement, against alchol and pro abstinence.
susan b anthony
american civil rights and feminist. played a pivotal role in womens suffrage
charles grandison Finney
a leader in the second great awakening, called the father of modern revivalism
william loyd garrison
began the liberator magazine, burned the constitution calling it a slave document.
sam houston
leader in the movement to bring texas into the union, was the first and third president of texas.
joseph smith and Brigham young
founders of the latter day saints(mormonism), which got a little freaky deaky with the polygamy, so they ran into a lot of issues with people hating on his religion
horace mann
involved in education reform, father of the common school
nicholas biddle
served as the presidet of the second bank of the united states
lucretia mott
organized the womens rights convention, because she was a female teacher earning half as much as men
henry david thoreau
a poet/writer, supported abolitionism and transcendentalism, and aruged for civil disobediance against an unjust state
james fenimore cooper
wrote romantically about the frontier, wrote the last of the mohicans
horace greely
was an american newspaper editor and founder of the liberal republican party
cyrus mckormick
invented the mechanichal reaper
samual morse
invented the single wire telegraphy system, and co developer of morse code
harriet beecher stowe
american abolitionist and author, wrote uncle toms cabin
elizabeth cady staton
fought for womens suffarage, wanted a ton more powers for women and was against the 14 and 15 amendment, because it didnt include women
john slidell
US senator, fought for southern rights
john tyler
was the vice president for Harrison, was the first to be promoted to full on president from vice, and he shot down a pile of whig bills and brought in the log cabin bill to sell land for cheap
zachary taylor
a general against mexico, used his war heroness to propel himself to presidency
david wilmot
sponsor of wilmot proviso, aiming to ban slavery in land gained from mexico
james k polk
vowed to serve only one term, listed specific goals and nailed them. goals where oregon & money
john c fremont
candidate for the anti slavery republican party, as a major in the army took control of the bear flag republic
martin van buren
ran against william henry harrison in election of 1840, was portrayed as an out of touch rich guy and in a later election became the president
arthur and lewis tappan
supported abolitionism and anti slavery with a ton of money
sarah and angelina grimke
argued against slavery at its very core, that it went completely against american ideals and we should entirely remove it now and forever