Unit 4: Important Concepts Flashcards
Anti-Slavery, emancipation of slavery in the south.
Religious and philosophical movement protesting general state of culture and society. Inherent goodness of both people and nature. Oneness w/ universe.
Belief that reason and observation of the natural world are sufficient to determine the existence of a God, rejection of revelation and authority as a religious necessity.
Popular Sovereignty
The authority of the government is created and sustained by the consent of its people, through their elected representatives, by the people for the people.
Manifest Destiny
Believe that American System is the best system and our duty to expand because out system is the best. Goal to take the entire North American Continent.
“All of Mexico”
Expansionism, goal to take over all of Mexico and continent.
The ability of a government to determine their own course of their own free will
Underground Railroad
Black operated, by Harriet Tubman, lead blacks to freedom, protected fugitives and thwarted slave catchers. Helped moved families.
“Positive Good”
Belief that slavery is good, slaves are content and loyal to masters. Transformation of the “necessary evil” as a counterargument to the anti-slavery north.
Southern Nationalism
The idea that the south would develop into its own country, confederates
Pony Express
A mail service across the country with the use of horses and relay stations
McGuffey’s Eclectic Reader
Pamphlets taught in schools that not only instructed students in reading, but also in Protestant virtues. Part of religious reform.