Unit 1: Important Figures Flashcards
John Smith
Brought order out of anarchy in Jamestown. Forced labor of those to make sure that farming went well and they all got fed, but was reorganized by England in a new charter but bad luck made the new found burst of energy with new wages meant nothing.
Anne Hutchinson
Opposed John Winthrop’s ideas, held in court, defended herself with huge knowledge of bible, and emberesed the members of the jury, made her place in Rhode Island.
An Ottawa worrier fought for the natives to take back their cultures from the white people and coordinated an up-rise among the western Indians who hated British. The Native American resistance was known as Pontiac’s Rebellion. Attacked Detroit, then sued for peace when followers dispersed. British was unable to defend colonial settlements.
John Calvin
Lived in Geneva, predestination, Calvinist’s made their goal in life to find reasons why they were elected. Eventually made into Puritans.
James Otis
In 1761 he gave a speech opposing Writs of Assistance which was a search warrant, or anything the crown can allow, from the king which does not expire. He states that this is destructive of English liberty and principles of law. The writ would invade the privacy of ones home.
Lord Baltimore
Sir George Calvert, given many lucrative positions in government, declared Catholicism in anti-Catholicism Maryland, in resignation his son granted charter for that above Virginia, Carolina, which he gave half of to his good friend [make sure this is true, I don’t even know]-this card sucks.
John Winthrop
SUPER Puritan, Massachusetts Bay Company, didn’t like democracy, Governor of Massachusetts Bay. threw Hutchinson out. Refused to help Chesapeake colonies against Indians because of religious differences.
Roger Williams
English Protestant theologian who was an early proponent of religious freedom and the separation of church and state. In 1636, began the colony of Providence Plantation, provided a refuge for religious minorities. He was a student of Native American languages and an advocate for fair dealings with Native Americans. Organized the first attempt to prohibit slavery in any of the original thirteen colonies.
William Penn
SUPER Quaker, unorthodox, relations with people higher up gave him the charter to Penn’s Woods. Lead Quakers to Pennsylvania from everywhere in Europe, made much government and social progress.
Benjamin Franklin
Lead many new ideas in the enlightenment, avid follower of the published journals in England, left Massachusetts to Phillie. Investigations in electricity found the lightning rod. IMPORTANT: Brought forward Albany plan, made libraries and brought many new intellectual thoughts in new science forward. *****
Phyllis Wheatley
A black woman who was purchased by the Wheatley family and became a very famous poet, and she was praised by many, including George Washington.
James Oglethorpe
the founder of Georgia, served as governor of Georgia. a big supporter of bringing over the poor working class of Britain to the new world.the colony of Georgia served as a military buffer between English and Spanish territories. also a military leader, led successful raids on Spanish forts.
William Bradford
He was an English Separatist Leader in the Holland and in Plymouth Colony. He was a signatory to the Mayflower Compact and served as Plymouth Colony Governor five times covering about thirty years between 1621 and 1657. Convinced frightened people that they would succeed in America.
Jonathan Edwards
Sparked the Great Awakening as the local congregational minster in Northampton. He accepted the traditional teachings of Calvinism. He thought his fellow misters had grown soft and taken impression that sinners might avoid damnation by performing good works. Didn’t possess the dynamic personality so he gave the speaking to George Whitefield. Put articles in newspapers, the power of press.
John Peter Zenger
Printer, he published a series of articles about the Royal governor being corrupt and charged for libel in court, it was against the law at the time. The jury voted him innocent.
Anne Bradstreet
The first poet and first female writer in the British North American colonies to be published. Her first volume of poetry was The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America, published in 1650. It was met with a positive reception in both the Old World and the New World.