Unit 6: Important Events Flashcards
Compromise of 1877
The Compromise of 1877 was a deal that settled the 1876 presidential election. Pulled federal troops out of state politics in the South, and ended the Reconstruction Era. Through the Compromise, Republican Rutherford B. Hayes became president.
Haymarket Bombing
started by the haymark riots, which started in a reaper factory. standoff between union strikers and cops. someone threw a bomb and it killed a bunch of cops, and a pile of union leaders where arrested and put to death for it.
Comstock Law
made it illegal to send obscene materials through the mail.
16th Amendment
allowed an income tax
Comstock Lode
a massive lode of silver ore dicovered in virginia
Battle of Wounded Knee
a massacre of Indians sparked by the ghost dance.
“Cross of Gold” Speech
a speech by williams jenning brian against the use of the gold standard, in favor of free silver.
Sherman Silver Purchase Act
an increase in the amount of silver purchased by the government. helped farmers by increasing inflation and allowing them to pay off their debts, and helped miners by giving them a profitable place to sell the silver to, the government.
McKinley Tariff
massive terrif against imported goods, designed to boost our production.
“Crime of ‘73”
also the coinage act of 1873, promoted the gold standard and demonetized silver. pissed off people who liked silver.
Pendleton Act
awarded government jobs by merit, made it so you have to test into the jobs.
Munn v. Illinois
a case dealing with corporate rates and agriculture. Illinois tried to regulate interstate commerce, feds said nope.
Morrill Act
part of land grants, the government gave land to colleges.
Sioux Wars
a series of skirmishes between the US and the Sioux, ended with tons of natives dying and the rest beign moved to reservations.
Granger Laws
regulated the price of shipping and storage of grain for farmers.
“Billion-Dollar” Congress
congress decided to use a billion dollar surplus to create a pension for all union civil war service men who could no longer work
Pension Act
the act passed by the billion dollar congress, gave a pension to the disabled soldiers of the union.
Depression of 1893
a serious economic downturn that began in 1893, caused by the collapse of the railroad bubble.
Pullman Strike
a nationwide railroad strike. people where pissed because they lived in company towns and wages where cut in half but prices stayed the same.
Bland-Allison Act
A law that made at least some silver currency in circulation.
Credit Mobilier
Congressman in the transcontinental railroad company spread around his stock and bought support for the railroad.
Wabash Cases
Disputes in the functions of railroads caused the interstate commerce commission to be created, and severely limited states capacity for dictating commerce.
Panic of 1873
Railroads over-expanding and economic failures in Europe caused a panic that lasted until around 1879 and the greatest depression of that time.
Dawes Severalty Act
Divided up the tribes and gave them individual land, essentially killing the tribes.
Homestead Act
People moving west would be granted land and whatever else for moving and settling down on the frontier.
Homestead Steel Strike
Sketchy strike where the pinkertons and strikers like killed almost a hundred of each other as there was confusion and violence between the union and the officials. Killed the union.
Jim Crow Laws
Laws that made it so that blacks essentially couldn’t do anything, no voting or whatever because of the weird laws.
Coxey’s Army
A group of people that marched on Washington and were just, arrested for trespassing. Hue.
Gold Standard Act
Made it so that gold was the standard thing backing money. This was not even really an issue, it was just that people who were poorer had less assurance of their money then they would with silver.
Omaha Platform
The populist party’s platform, represented with farmers and those more out West working on farms and as more blue collar work.
Great RR Strike of 1877
Millions of dollars of property was destroyed as the strike, caused by disgruntled railroad workers hoping to get higher wages, waged on and was eventually ended by federal authorities.
Wilson-Gorman Tariff Act
This reduced the United States tariff’s and made an income tax, promoting foreign relations and forcing Americans to pay for some of their crap.