Unit 3: Important Concepts Flashcards
the system of forcing random sailors into the british navy. was enforced by press gangs, who would kidnap sailors and force them into the navy. the british also impressed american sailors into british navy.
People’s love of the nation, stemmed from monuments, systems of transportation, and creation of things inside of our country. Sectionalism helped as well, with specialized industry and lots of swag.
Protective Tariff
the other name for the terrif of abomination, meant to protect northern industry from much cheaper goods from britain. kinda screwed over the south.
A ruling group of slaveholders, advocates of slavery, in the south before 1865
Cult of Domesticity
value system emphasized new ideas of femininity, the woman’s role within the home and the dynamics of work and family
Cotton Gin
a machine that made turning cotton into usable material much faster and elss labour intensive, allowing the cotton trade to take off and make a ton of money for the south.
Spoils System
Political parties promising government job to supporters if elected; supported not qualified for job. Rotate offices on a regular basis.
the policy of protecting the interests of the natives/citizens against those of immigrants/Indians. Prompting those who were there first.
“Pet” Banks
Banks Jackson liked were given a shit load of money, made bad loans, inflation, caused freaking economic crises, Jackson was like “whatevs” and handed that whole crises to, you know, Martin Van Burien.
use of state resources to reward individuals for their electoral support
restriction of interest, not for common good. South v. North v. West
Virginia Dynasty
First 5 Presidents from Virginia
Abolitionism is a movement to end slavery, specifically in the South
Industrial Revolution
Home industries became became factories. Putting out system: all in one factory rather than multiple homes/facilities. More efficient, turned into sweat shops
Limited Liability
the maximum amount a person in a business can lose in case of claims against the company or bankruptcy.
Gag Resolution
the end of the gag rule, which prevented congress and house of reps from talking about some issues, like slavery.
Common Man
Jackson was the Champion of Common Man, the everyday people of the WAST who could go to be free, a little. I guess.
states had the right to set aside federal law if they deemed it unconstitutional
Judicial Review
specific court with judicial review power which legislative and executive actions are subject to review
Internal Improvements
the improvement of roads and canals. never really got supported by the feds, so it fell to states and to private companies.
the idea that the americas should stay seperate from the rest of the world and not interfere, but focus on themselves.
“Corrupt Bargain”
Clay was president of house of representatives and allowed John Q. Adams to win to secure secretary and presidency next term, was not president
Transportation Revolution
Major advancements: Roads, steamboats, bridges. Easy, cheaper, more convenient and efficent
Independent Treasury
system for government funds in the Treasury and its subtreasuries, independently of the national banking and financial systems
Kitchen Cabinet
Jackson’s “Cabinet” of people like journal editors who helped in putting good things in papers and supporting the president, mostly personal friends, and those who supported.
“King Caucus”
The few people chose the president in the presidential caucus, and made a KING pretty much (because president)
Rotation in Office
Rotate offices on a regular basis, with new officials. Everyday people can fun government