Unit 4 ap hum Flashcards
What is a state requriements
a politically organized territory with a permanent pouplation a defined terrtory and a goverment and reconngnized as such by other states.
Has to do with land
state meaning
a politically organized territory recognized as such by other states
what is a nation requirements
a culturally defined group of people with a shared past and a common future who relate to a territory and have the right to rule
Has to do with the people
national state
a poltically defined terrtory organized as a state by other states with 1 cultually defined group with the right to rule.
Very rare . Japan and france are exampes
nation meaning
a culturllay defined group of people with the right to rule
stateless nation
a culturally defined group of people without land or the right to rule themselves.
Ex, Kurds, basks, Palestinians
Mulitistate nation
a culturally defined group of people who what the right to rule spread over multiple politcally defined territories.
Ex. the kurds as they are spread over many differnt countires
Kurds example
When U.S invaded Iraq they kicked out Kurds, no they are our alllies iin fighting ISSIS. However the Kurds are spread over militple countires. So they are an exmaple for both stateless nation and multistate nation.
Multinational state
A politically defined territoy with more then one culturally defined group of people.
Multiethnic states
politically defined teriotry that have multiple ethnic groups but do no want the right the rule. Ex the U.S
this i my border you cant mess with it
haveing the last say over a terriotry leagally. Meaing that no ther county has legal say over what we do in our country
Territorial inegtity
the right of the govermnt to keep the borders and territory of a state intact and free from attack
a vertial plant that goes up into the air and down into the gorund. In the ari so that on one can mess with the our airspace and down into the gorund so that no one can steal naturl resouces from us.
4 stages to establising a border
Define : write out the border in a treaty
Delimit : To draw the border on a maap
Demarcate : to mark it on te land by a sign, wall, or any physical features that are already there.
Aministrate : to operate the border
Geometric border
Are formed by arcs or stright line, with not respective to cultural or physical features. Does this using latitude and logitude lines.
Physical and political border
boundary that has a physical feature separting two coutnires
a pre-exsiting border commly corresponds to a physical feature. The border exsited before the people. EX. The rio grande exsisted before Mexico and the U.S . Usally falls under physical political
Sbsequent boundry
A subsequent boundary is established after the area in question has been settled and that reflects the cultural characteristics of the bounded area.
Superimposed boundry
Boundray is imposed by an outside force. May not reflect existing cultural landscape. Ex Africa in the more superimposed due to early times when europes just drew lines
Relic boundry
No longer a boundary, often the outcome of politics changess. Still a visible import on the landscape. Like the Berlin Wall between East and West Berlin. The Great Wall of china, not actually a boundary but can be seen.
Consequent boundry
A border that is divided by physical features or space and acts as a natural divide between 2 or more different cultural groups . A border that is created when a ethnic groups are is broken up. North and South Sudan,
Definitional boundary dispute
dispute over the wording in the treaty. Summit of the mountains between Britain and Russia. The summit is vague does it follow a straight line or does somthing else
Locational boundary dispute
rely on a physical boundoundry and it changes over time.
operational/administrve boundry dispute
who’s gonna impose taxes , who’s gonna police. Who is gonna administrative the boundray
Allcational boundry dispute
disputes over resources in the boundry
loyalty to your country
loyalty to you people, sometimes to the detriment of the state.
The Nunavut people live in the northern part of Cara. They are separated from the Northwest Territories.
Accountable to the federal government but not to the states within. American Indian Reservations
Industrial Revolution,
began in the Grea
t Britain, had the 3 factors of production, its LLC land- labor- capitalism, the purpose was to create trade patterns even after the revolution
taking over land and people and setting in that land. With the idea of mercantilism
the trade portion. Using colonies are trade patterns to make money for the mother countyr
colonization on setroids = became about starting an empire so colonization in a much larger scale.
The modern State idea
The modern State idea : the idea of a state that is tied to a particular territory with defined boundaries. Came out of Europe. Came about through mercantilism, colonialism, and imperialism.
Immanuel Wallerstein’s World-Systems Theory
1) The world economy has one market and a global division of labor. meaing that everything goes back to the world market
2) Although the world has multiple states, almost everything takes place within the context of the world economy.
3) The world economy has a three-tier structure.Core, semi periphery, peripherally
When an enteric group has been slept by a superimposed boundary and they try to reunite. Its population usually by trying to reclaim lost land.
Taking back the land because our people are on it and other people have it.
Pakistan is trying to claim Kashmir from India
0-12 nm from shore
- satte can set laws regulating passage of other ships
- commerical vesse;s may pass, but non-comercail can be told no
- known as territorial waters
innocet passge allowed : sucha as comercol ships and cruise ships
12-24 nm form shore
- knwon as contiguous zone
- can enforce laws on customs, immigration, sanitation, and taxtiation
24-200 nm from shore
- known as eez
only the countyr can explore, extract minerals, and have the right to resouces there
high seas
defined water beyonf eez that doe snot belogn to any countyr. Is open to all states for resouces or claming.
line medium principle
if 2 costal states share a waterway and are less than 24 nm aprt. then the distance between the 2 is divided in half
Supranational Organization
2 or more countries that join together for a common purpose. Could be political, economic, military or. Combination.
several use American money. Stable currency and usually worth more.
Un ( United Nations)
- maintaining worldwide peace and security,
- Developing relations among nations, - fostering cooperation between nations
Has a security council made out of 5 member states U.S, Russia, China, France, and Uk
North Atlantic Treaty Organization ( NATO)
- Primary purpose was to defend member nations from threats by communist countries.
- It sought to prevent a aggressive nationalism and foster political union.
- Is a military organization.
European Union (EU)
- made their own currency
- Break down barriers to trade and borders
- encourage technological and scientific development
- Champion environmental protection
- Promote peace
- Main a Economic group
African Union
- To achieve greater unity, the African countries.
- To defend the sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of its Member States.
- To accelerate the political and social-economy
- Is a economic group
Association of SouthEast Asian States
- ASEAN with the purpose of *accelerating the economic growth,
social progress, and
*cultural development in the region, and
peace and stability.
Economic group, but trying to add a military aspect to it.
aims to unite world leaders around shred economic, political, hearth challenges
- has 20 countries
refers to the group of eight highly industrialized nations. Hold an annual meeting to foster consensus on global issues like economic growth and crisis management, global security, and Terrorism
- has eight countries
Arctic Council :
the leading intergovernmental forum promoting
*coordination and
*interaction among the Arctic States, Arctic indigenous communities and other Arctic inhabitants
*on common Arctic issues, in particular on issues of environmental protection on the Arctic.
environmental and Ecomic group
USMCA ( us, Mexico, Canada )
The North American Free Trade Agreement’s purpose is to *reduce trading costs,
*increase business investment, and
*help North America be more competitive in the global marketplace.
*The agreement is between Canada, the United States, and Mexico.
by increasing tariffs
Economic group
World Trade Organization
The purpose of the WTO is to
*ensure global trade commences smoothly, freely and predictably.
*The WTO creates and embodies the ground rules for global trade among member nations, offering a system for international commerce.
economic group
International Monetary Fund and World Bank
The IMF oversees the world’s monetary system’s stability, while the World Bank’s goal is to reduce poverty by offering assistance to middle-income and low-income countries. Known as structuralist loan, which means they spent the money on the infrastructure. However they can not pay it back.
Unitary gov
highly centralized gov where the capital city serve as a focus of power. Works best in small sized country. Has one big central govermnet. ex. Belgium
Fedral gov
a goverment where the state is organized into territories, which have control over the gov and policeis and funds. Power is shared , EX U.S mexicoo
same force, language, religion, ethnicity
movement of power from cenral gov o rregional gov within a sate. Tricking down power. Do thing for disingrating states
causes of devolution
ethnocultral, ecnomic, or spatial ( rlly big countires to samll isalnds. Needs are diff in each area. )
a governing concil
abt lenin and stalin
communist revolution. People where going to war, which caused a lot of death. Czar Nicholas gives up power so lenin comes in power. Lenin promeised people peace, land, and bread. lenin dies and stalin takes throen.
allows little bit f commnism
no communism allowed
legacy of stalin
stlin made USSR an industrial giant. Millions of peope were killed if they spoke out aganist the labor.
cold war
USSR wins war with alleies and occues eastern europe. Then becomes a super power. This causes the start of cold war with U.S. Salin dies yet cold war continues. leaders expand communism =, expand militaty, and space race. Gorbachev is the last leader of USSR.
As the USSR reveals weapons and looses power. They spread the nuclear wepons to their allies. The USSR sarts to loose power and Gorbachev resigns. the states in USSR leave and beocome idependatn countries
restructing economy
when states sparte and islote due to devolutionn
balknisation and disnigration
after the cold war
Yeltsin becomes the first president of Russia. however they had problems transtinting inot a deocrary. economy collasped, as it from command to market. there as alos political struggles, rise of ntonalsim, social decay, environmental decay
Vladimir Putin
now the presient of Russia, however is critisied as being authoritative.
territorial representation
amount of representative for every terrritory
Same # of seats but they get moved based on the pouplaion
redistricting for an advantage
puting all the same party together, so the votes become minimal
spliting apart to not get a majority vote.
heartland theroy
if you control the land where all the resources are then you command the world
Rimland theroy
if you control the ports or rims f eurais then you control the world.