bio unit 3b Flashcards
genetic enginerring
process of making changes to the DNA of an organism
GMO are organisms that are created by genetic enginerrring.
selective breeding
precess of breeding animlas with desred traits.
what s the GMO process
all gentic cahnges affect the protein synthess of the orgainsm . by chanign the proteins the overall traits of the organism are affected.
most common GMO are
bacteria because they have a simple structure
recombination technology meaning
inserting new gentic material randomly or in targeted locations. Creats trnasgenic or recombinant. It has parts from other organisms
recombination tech process
the plasmid is extracted from the bacteria. They are cut using restriction enzyems. these enzymes recognize specif nucleotides and make a double stranted cut in the DNA. the gene can then be introduced into individual plant and animlas cells.
trnasgenic or recombinant DNA
the blue circle with the red part.
sticky ends, blut ends
zig zag cut, cuts straght down. helps the new DNA stick.
CRISPR tech meaning
is more accutrate. can dirctly replace genes, can remove genes, and edit existing genes. relies on complementary base pairing to locate target DNA
CRISPR tech process
1 - design a gude RNA that matchs the target DnA sequence
2- attach the guide RNA to the cas-9 wich is the cutting mechanism. Cas-9 searches the cell’s DNA and when it finds a match it makes a cut
3- the cell’s DNA repair system will seal the gap in the broken DNA, and can then insert new genetic info
gel electrophoresis
a procedure to seprate DNA fragments . used for testing for diseases, paternity tests, crime scenes.
gel electrophoresis process
DNa is cut using restirction nezymes. the DNA segemtns are analyzed using gel electrophoresis. this is when the DNA/RNA/protein can be seprated based on their size becuase of their charge. smaller pieces travel faster than large ones, as they are slowed down throught he gel. this causes sepration on the gel.
polymerase chain reaction, used to create lots of DNA identical to the trace sample. also called DNA amplification. used to identify virus, see if person has genetci disorder.
PCR process
target DnA sample is heated to seprate strands. the mixture is colled and primers bind to the strands. DNA pollymerase adds nucleotides to strands, produing 2 comlementrary strands.
PCR application
PCR used for covid testing. first the RNA from virus is extracted. then it is converted from RNA to DnA. PCR is used to amlify specif viral gene sequences. covid is detected based on is PCR indentifies COvid DNA.