bio unit 3 meiosis Flashcards
Body cell
- also known as somatic/diploid cell
- all cell in organism is body other than egg and sperm
- has a full set of chromosomes
Sex cells
- also known as gametes
- are haploid- half the set of chromosomes
Gametes are eggs or sperm. In plants ovules or pollen
Cells have both set of chromosomes
Somatic/body cells
Cells have only one set of chromosomes
Are gametes
homologous chromosome
Paired chromosomes are called this. These chromosomes have genes for the same trait in the same order
mitosis reveiw
mitosis - for growth and repair
Has one cell division, happens in all body cells, results in 2 identical diploid cells.
Overview of meiosis
Function : to produce gamete cells with half the number of chromosomes for sexual reproduction.
Has 2 cell division and only occurs in gamete cells.
Definition of meiosis
the division for making gametes before sexual reproduction
Independant assortment
A process in meiosis in which replicated chromosomes are randomly divided among all daughter cells. Allow variation and genetic diversity.
Chromosome reduction
produces haploid cells from diploid cells. This creates new combinations of of traits which increases genetic diversity.
Crossing over
when homogous chromosomes line up and exchange genetic info. Results in Genes moving from one chromosome to another. This increases genetic variation.
Meiosis 1 overview
more important as it accomplishes most things. Reduces diploid to haploid. Crossing over in prophase 1 and independant assortment in anaphase 1.
Meiosis 1 in dept
I,P1,M1,A1,T1 + cytokininesis
- crossing over in prophase 1
- homologous chromosomes=ones separate in metaphase 1
2 new cells are formed
The cells have : no complete set of chromosomes are differnt from each other.
Meiosis 2 overveiw
remotes chromosome to chromatid
- each haploid cells from meiosis 1 divided to from 4 haploid cells
meiosis 2 indent
No DNA replication
- chromatids separate as centromere divides, in anaphase 2
- the happily cells are differnt from each other.
After meiosis
in fertiliztation during sexual reproduction creates more genetic variation.