unit 1b bio - matter and energy Flashcards
can be conserved, tanserved, and recycled
can be trnaformed or tranfered. But can not be recycled.
quick explanation of photosynthesis
converts matter inot a usable form
quick explantion of cellular respriation
tranfers energy into usable form
matter detailed explantion
matter is conserved in chemical reactions, meaning the total amout remains constant even when it changes form. Int he photosynthesis matter is cahnged to uable fomr glucose. in the reactions number of moleces is the same.
energy detialed explantion
energy transferred from one form to another. Photosynthesis captures light energy and sotes it glucose as chemical bonds, while cellular respriation realeases this sotred enrgy in an usable form for the cell like ATP.
photosynthesis and cellular respiration cycle
phto converts light enegy and stores it as chemical energy in the bonds of lucose. The, cellrespeation converts the chemical energy for ATP for cells to use.
key point for outputa and inputs
the outputs of one of the process becomes the input for the other. shows a continous cycle.
cellular respiration equation
C6H12O6 + 6CO2 —–> 6CO2 + 6H2O + ATP
- producers
- can make their own food using sunlight
- plants, algi, some bacteira
photosyntheis equation
6CO2 + 6H20 + light energy —-> C6H12O6 + 6O2
- consumers
- can not build their own food
- animals, fungi, and most bacteria
leaves have opeaniga called stomata that is used to exchange gases . CO2 and oxygen
leaaves have xylem for water transport
leaves have phloem for sugar transport.
the mesophyll cells have the chloroplasts
the 2 main parts of chloroplasts
Grana, and Stroma
has stacks of thylakois Which are flattened sturctures that have chlorophyll
the gell like space outside of the thylakoid
- the main pigment in chloroplast that absobs light
- absobs mostly violet blue light anf re-orange light
2 steps of photosyntheisi
1- light dependant reactionand 2 - light indepndant reaction/ calvin cycle
light dependant reaction
- occus in thylakind
- water and sunlight needed
- oxygen is realseaed
indepndant reaction/ calvin cycle
- occus in stroma
- need co2
- uses energy from light dependant reaction to build sugars.
light affecting photpsyntheisis
low liight = low rae of photosytheiss
- light past the optimun has no effect
- the smae with co2
temperature affecting photosyntheisi
- incrasing or decraing past optimum as result in lower rates .
- this is beacause the enzymes are cataylased
ATP and ADP cycle
- energy realsed by bearking the chemical bond in the 2nd and 3rd phosphate. this is where ATP becomes ADP. then energy can be soted agagin as the 3rd phostpat eis added back. happed back and forth
realease of energy
building of energy
where does cellular respriration occur
in ekarityes occurs in mitochondira and in prokayotes occues in the cell membrane
2 kinds of cellular resriation
aerobic and anorobic
- with oxygen
- makes 36-38 atps
- more effective and used in more complex cells
- without oxygen
- makes 2 ATp
ineffeive for simplir cells
steps in serobic respiration
1- glycolyssis - happens in cytoplam where glocose is boken down and make 2 atp
2- krebs cycle - happens in mitochondria , co2 is realesed and 2 atp
3- Electrom tranposrt chain (ETC) - happne sin mitochondira , 32-34 apt and water released
steps of anaerobic respiration
-1 glycolysis : created 2 atp and
2 - lactic acid or alcholic fermentation
alcholoic fermenation
- occurs in fungi, yeast, and bacterial cells, by product is ethyl achohol and co2
Lactic acid fermentation
- occus in muscle cells,
- by product is lactic acid, the build up of this acid causes sore muscles.