hum geo migration unit 2 Flashcards
Activity space
Activity space - daily routine area
but technology has expanded activity space
U.S is the most mobile country.
spatial interaction, diffusion, distribution
types of movement
cyclic, peridoic, migration
cyclic movement
cyclic movement is a movement that has a closed route
- home to work and back home
- sunbelt states - snow birds ( 3 major sunbelt states : Texas Florida, and California
- Nomadism : move to over a territory, repeated movement
- daily classes are considered cyclic movement
peridiodic moveeemtn
move to ways from home for a long period of time
Example :
Migrant labor : work across borders
Transhumance : moving livestock to pastures based on season
Military service
long term relocation outside of our original community meant to be permanent.
mostly for economic reasons
immigration: go into a country - pull factors : employment opportunities, freedoms, land, amenities
emigration : exit a country - push factors (ESPEN) : unemployment, poverty, war, famine, drug cartels
voluntary migration
migration made by choice, usslly due to enomoic oppertutines
Forced migration/ involentary migration
forced migration
slave trade, Natie Americans when they were forced to Oklahoma
Ravinstines laws of migration
1)most migrants go only short distances - True
2)people will travel farther if they are wanting to go to a big city - True that’s where jobs are
3)most migration proceeds step by step - Intervening opportunities and obstacles: border and environmental , step migration
4)most migration is rural to urban - True Jobs
5)eac migration flow produces a counterflow - chinese coming in and then the value of property goes down, True, Chain migration - Kinship Links follows your foot step
6)most migrant are adults, less likely to be families - not true
7)most international migrants are young males - not true
2 types of internal migration
intraregional migration
withn the same region : rural to urban, urban to subburabn- lifestyle changes: kids, metropolitan and nonmetropolitan: increased technology allows people to work out die of the city.
interreginal migration
between crossing, across regions : people moving from north to south, NY to TX
External Migration
immigration- inot a country and emmigration - leaving a country