Unit 1b bio Flashcards
cell membrane is list
fluid, mosiaic, fezxiable, self-sealing, nd selectly permeable
cell membrane function
slectly permeable, contrlas and regulates mataterials to maintain homeostaiss in the cell
structure of cell membrane
-phsopolipid bilayer
- embededd with channel proteins
- cholestrol molecules are interspead
- carb chains are attched to porteins and lipds as receptor molecules.
lipid in membrane head
made of phospate, polar, like water, hydrophilic
lipid in membrane tail
made of fattly acid, nonpolar, dilikes water, hydrophobic
what can pass through lipid bilayer
small, non-charged molecules, nonpolar
what can not pass through lidid bilayer
large and chared molecluel, polar
carbohydrate molecules
attached t poteins help with cell to cell communication
imbedded in the lipid bilayer. proteins channels allows large molecules in and out.
out of membrane
waste and products
in membrane
water, oxygen, sugras, fats, proteins, salts
the molecule in water
solvent + solute
passive transport
high to low concentration, no energy needed, incuded simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion, and osmosis, works along the gradient
active transport
low to high concentration, ATP needed, agaist the gradience. requrires porteins or veseciles
simple diffusion
movemnt of molecules that are non polar. simply goes in and out of membrane. until evenly distirbuted. Passive. no energy
facilitated diffusion
movemnt of large polar molecules from high to low concentration though protein channels.
no enenryg. passive
water siffusisn from high to low. uses special porteins called aquporines. passive
hypertonic solution
lots of water in cell, less outside. Net flow going out of cell , shrinks, loose mass. Plant cells will become plasmalysc.
hypotonic solution
less water in cell, lot outside. Net flw inot cell. cell swell, burst, gain mass. Plant cells call it trugid.
equal amout of water. Water going in and out evenly in both directions. called equalibrium. plant cells call it staying flaccid. keep shape.
animal cells best in
plant cells best in
Hypotonic , where tugor pressure the highest
protein pumps
enables cell to move substances aginst gradience. used by ATP.
sodium postsim pump.
sodium pumped out of cell, potasissum pumped in. goes agaisnt gradience. low to hight
bulk transport - endocyotosis
usses veseciles to import materilas. need atp
bulk transport - exocytosis
usess vesicals to export materials. need atp
how living things control the balence of water and slats in body, to do this use osmosis.