Unit 4: Anxiety Disorders and Anxiolytic-Sedative Agents Flashcards
L1: _______: recurrent thoughts, images, or impulses that are intrusive and cause anxiety
L1: _______: repetitive behaviors or mental acts that are performed inorder to reduce anxiety
L1: Mechanism of Action? Benzodiazepines
Facilitate GABA transmission
L1: Mechansim of Action? Barbiturates
Facilitate GABA transmission, Depress glutamate transmission
L1: What is the GABA subunit specificity for āZā drugs?
alpha-1 subunit only
L1: What is the GABA subunit specificity for BZDs?
alpha-1 and alpha-2/alpha-5
L1: Which disorder? Palpitations, tachycardia, shortness of breath, sweating, tembling, paresthesias, fear of dying
Panic Disorder
L1: Which disorder? Excessive worry, including anxiety and tension; 5% lifetime prevalence
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
L1: Which disorder? Fear to leave home to do anxiety
L1: Which disorder? High comorbidity with Tourette Syndrome
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
L1: Which disorder? Overwhelming anxiety in situations where one would have to interact with others, perform in front of others, or be the center of attention
Social Phobia
L2: Mechanism of Action? Buspirone
5HT1A partial agonist
L2: Name 2 barbiturate agents.
Phenobarbital, pentobarbital
L2: Name a BZD with reliable intramuscular administration
L2: What class of sedative/anxiolytic drugs are first line in acute panic disorder?