Unit 2: Inflammatory, Metabolic, Nutritional, and Toxic Diseases Flashcards
L1: What is the most common CNS inflammatory disease?
Multiple Sclerosis
L1: What pathologic process? Rapid correction or overcorrection of hyponatremia
Central Pontine Myelinolysis
L2: What are the effects of methanol intoxication?
Putamen hemorrhagic necrosis
L2: What is the affect of acute alcohol intoxication on the CNS?
Severe cerebral edema
L2: What is the nutritional deficiency in Wernicke’s encephalopathy?
thiamine (Vitamine B1)
L2: What is the pathogenesis of Wilson’s disease?
Defect in copper metabolism
L2: What is the treatment for acute attacks in MS?
high dose corticosteroids, plasmapheresis (severe)
L2: What is the treatment for Wilson’s Disease?
Copper-chelating agents
L2: What is the typical age of presentation for MS?
15-45 years
L2: What part of the brain is affected by thiamine deficiency in Korsakoff Syndrome?
Dorsomedial nucleus of the thalamus
L2: What part of the brain is most commonly affected in Wernicke’s encephalopathy?
Mamillary bodies
L2: What pathologic process? Abnormalities in Myelin Basic Protein, leading to demyelination of the CNS
Cobalamin (Vitamin B12) Deficiency
L2: What pathologic process? Astrocytes with swollen, vesicular nuclei and minimal visible cytoplasm
Hepatic encephalopathy
L2: What pathologic process? Autosomal recessive disorder of copper metabolism
Wilson’s Disease
L2: What pathologic process? Caused by strict vegtarian diet, pernicious anemia, or gastric neoplasms
Cobalamin (Vitamin B12) Deficiency