Unit 3: Ophthalmology Flashcards
L1: Which pathologic process? Conjunctivitis with thick purulent yellow/white-yellow exudate, eyelids almost swollen shut
Bacterial conjunctivitis
L1: Which pathologic process? More common type of conjunctivitis, watery discharge
Viral conjunctivitis
L1: Which structure separates the eyelid from the orbit
L1: Which wall of the orbit is most susceptible to fracture?
L1: Which wall of the orbit is thickest?
L1: Which wall of the orbit is thinnest?
L2: Most common pathogens in bacterial conjunctivitis
Staph aureus, strep pneumoniae
L2: Name the physical examination finding: fluffy white areas that represent capillary ischemia and small superficial infarcts
Cotton wool spot
L2: Name the physical examination finding: lipid leaks from retinal vessels
hard exudate
L2: Name the physical examination finding: yellow subretinal deposits in the macula consisting of lipofuscin and cell waste
L2: Which bones make up the orbital floor?
Zygomatic, maxillary, palatine
L2: Which bones make up the orbital lateral wall?
Zygomatic, sphenoid (greater wing)
L2: Which bones make up the orbital medial wall?
ethmoid, maxillary, lacrimal, sphenoid (lesser wing)
L2: Which bones make up the orbital roof?
Frontal, sphenoid (lesser wing)
L2: Which cranial nerves are the afferent input and efferent output in the oculocardiac reflex?
V1; X
L2: Which pathologic process? Abnormal shape of the cornea causing light to focus in front of or behind the retina
L2: Which pathologic process? Acute onset pain, redness, swelling, decrease in vision, white infiltrate in cornea
Corneal ulcer
L2: Which pathologic process? Associated with extended wearing of contact lenses, risk increased by dry eye or facial nerve palsy
Corneal ulcer
L2: Which pathologic process? Bilateral optic disc swelling due to increased intracranial pressure, blurring of disc margin
L2: Which pathologic process? Caused by adenovirus, following URI
Viral conjunctivitis
L2: Which pathologic process? Cherry red spot
Central artery occlusion
L2: Which pathologic process? Dilated veins, extensive hemorrhage, often related to hypertension
Central Vein Occlusion
L2: Which pathologic process? Drusen, hyperpigmentation and atrophy of retinal pigment epithelium, geographic atrophy with large amounts of cell loss
Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) - Non-exudative/Dry
L2: Which pathologic process? Fatigue, low-grade fever, forehead and upper eyelid rash, unilateral eye symptoms
Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus
L2: Which pathologic process? Hypesthesia in cheek and upper lip following trauma
Inferior orbital fracture
L2: Which pathologic process? Increased cup/disc ratio
L2: Which pathologic process? Infection of lacrimal sac due to nasolacrimal duct obstruction
L2: Which pathologic process? Itching, eyelid swelling, redness, watery discharge
Allergic conjunctivitis