Unit 3: Cerebellum Flashcards
L1: _____ fibers fire when the inferior olivary nucleus detects a discrepancy between planned and actual motor performance
L1: _____ fibers originate in the _______ and contact only a about a dozen Purkinje fibers
Climbing; contralateral inferior olivary nucleus
L1: _____ fibers provide ______ input to granule cells.
Mossy; excitatory
L1: Anatomical location of corticocerebellum
lateral hemispheres
L1: Cell layer beneath the molecular layer and above the granule cell layer
Purkinje fiber layer
L1: Cerebellar fibers decussate _______ (rostral/caudal) to the cerebellum
L1: Cerebellar lesions can result in ______ tremors.
L1: Cerebellar lesions result in ___-lateral deficits
L1: Climbing fiber input results in a _____ spike.
L1: Dendrites of Purkinje fibers lie in the _____ layer.
L1: Each ______ cell is contacted by a single _____ fiber.
Purkinje; climbing
L1: Input and output of corticocerebellum
Cortical regions
L1: Mossy fiber input results in a _____ spike.
L1: The ______ acts as a comparator for actual and expected movement
inferior olivary nucleus
L1: The major inputs to the cerebellum are carried in the ________.
Inferior and middle cerebellar peduncles
L1: The major outputs from the cerebellum are carried in the _______.
Superior cerebellar peduncle
L1: What term? Inability of a patient to bring a limb to the desired/required point in space
L1: What term? Inability of a patient to execute rapid alternating movements
L1: What term? Loss of coordination or timing of muscles
L1: Which anatomical region of the cerebellum does not synapse in the deep nuclei?
Flocculonodular lobe