TTSA Flashcards
What is the rail corridor defined as?
Fence to fence
If no fence 15m from outer rail
Where is the danger zone?
3m from outer rail
All space above and below
What is the platform danger zone?
Between the platform edge and yellow line
If no yellow line 1.5m from the edge
What is a Position of Safety defined as?
A position where you cannot be struck by rail traffic
Who is responsible for allocating you a position of safety?
You as a driver are responsible to identify and allocate a P.O.S and you must ensure there is a P.O.S at all times
What is a TFPC and what colour hat do they wear?
Track Force Protection Coordinator and they wear a blue hat
What does a TFPC do?
Assess and implement track force protection arrangements
What are the two directions a train travels in?
Up - To Flinders Street
Down - From Flinders Street
What 6 things do you need to enter the rail corridor?
Metro ID
Fit for work
CAT 1 Medical
Rostered to work
What is fit for work defined as?
Free from fatigue, free from alcohol and free from drugs.
Describe under bridge and overbridge
Underbridge = Road traffic goes underneath, train goes over.
Overbridge = Road traffic goes over, train goes under.
What is the maximum speed and sighting distance of the inner suburban area?
65km/h and 455m
What is the area between sets of tracks referred to as?
What form and process do you complete to get access to the danger zone to fault find?
Reactive Track Access Form
What are the 3 different types of Stanchions?
Stand off ( mainly found in curves )
How far away from electrical infrastructure must you stand?
What three colours are not permitted to be worn in the rail environment?
Red, green and yellow
How do you verbally notify others of an approaching train?
“Train on”
What are the points called that alter the routes of trains to a new track?
Turnout points
What does the steady arm do?
Controls even wear on the pantograph
What is the wire called that connects from the bottom of the stanchion to the rail?
Spark Gap
What does a stanchion number indicate?
100’s of feet from Flinders Street
What equipment is used by track workers during long-term occupations to protect the worksite?
Rail shorting device
What is the definition of safe working?
The controlled movement of rail traffic to protect workers, infrastructure and other rail traffic
What types of things are electrical conductors?
-Green Tree Branches
What do transmission wires do?
Distribute 22000v AC to substations
What are the 3 types of section insulators?
What should you do if you see a terminal stop sign?
Stop at least 3m before terminating sign