What is transfer learning?
the influence that one skill has on the learning of another
What is bilateral transfer?
transfer of learning from one limb/muscle group to another
What is an example of bilateral transfer?
learning to catch with your right then left hand in rounders
What is negative transfer?
the learning of one skill hinders the learning of another
What Is an example of negative transfer?
going from using cones in hockey to playing a match with real defenders to dribble the ball round
What is positive transfer
negative example
going from using cones in hockey to playing a match with real defenders to dribble the ball round
positive transfer
the learning of one skill helps the learning of another
What is an example of positive transfer?
an overarm throw helps a tennis serve
When can negative transfer occur?
- when a performer misunderstands the movement requirements
- when a familiar stimulus requires a new response
- conflicting skills are taught close together
- practice environment is different to competition environment
What is positive transfer dependent on?
how well previously performed skills have been learned
How can we minimise negative transfer?
- highlight differences
- make sure skills are thoroughly learned before moving on to a new skill
- avoid teaching similar skills together
- practice similar to competition situation
How can we encourage positive transfer?
clear, concise demonstrations
- highlight transferable elements to the learner
- avoid teaching skills that may cause confusion close together
- positive reinforcement
What is zero transfer?
When the learning of one skill has no effect on the learning of another e.g. arm movement in swimming and foot placement in a dance routine
What is an example of bilateral transfer?
a footballer kicking with his left foot and learning with his right
How do you ensure positive transfer
- encouraged by making sure training is realistic
- ensuring the skill is well learnt beforehand
- ## use of reward and reinforcement