List the top 4 warriors to raising participation
- Gender
- Race/ethnicity
- Social class
- Disability
Explain why disability is a warrior to sport?
- negative self image or lack of confidence
- relatively low income
- lack of access into or around facilities
- lack of organised programmes
- low levels of media coverage
- few role models to aspire
- lack of specialist coaches, clubs and competitions
- myths/ stereotypes about the capabilities of people with a disability
List possible solutions for disability being a barrier
- provide more opportunities (Paralympics)
- increased investment into disabled sport
- providing transport to facilities
- improved technology
- increased media coverage
- training more specialist coaches
- educating people on the myths and stereotypes
- specialist organisations for disability sport.
How can race and ethnicity affect participation?
-• Black and Asian people discriminated against in society.
• 25% of EPL players are black, even less Asians.
• 50% UK athletics power event competitors are black.
• In tennis, no black and only 1 Asian competitor in UK top ten - opportunity.
• In UK rugby, very few black players.
• No research evidence that black Afro-Caribbean people have more fast twitch muscle, or less subcutaneous fat.
• Hence stereotype of black Afro-Caribbean potential at sport is incorrect.
• Lack of role models in low black participation sport discourages new participants.
• Media reflect society’s view of black people.
• Great success from male Asian boxers and cricketers.
• Low socio-economic status of many black Afro-Caribbean people prevents participation.
What is stacking?
- the disproportionate concentration of ethnic minorities in certain positions in a sports team, which tends to be based on the stereotype that they are more valuable for their physicality than their decision-making and communication qualities
What is channeling?
- ethnic minorities may be pushed into certain sports and even certain positions within a team, based on assumptions about them.
List possible solutions to racial disadvantage in sport
- training more ethnic minority coaches, teachers and sports leaders
- ensuring there is single sex provision (Muslim women can overcome barriers)
- publicising and publicising any racist abuse
- ensuring provision in PE programmes is appropriate for all ethnic priorities.
- organising campaigns agains racism in sport
List barriers to women’s participation in sport
- lack of time and money
- school pe programmes (fewer options)
- fewer sponsorship opportunities/ less funding
- stereotypical myths
- fewer role models
- less media coverage
- lack of disposable income
list possible solutions to gender inequality in sport.
- introduce laws which make sex discrimination unlawful
- encourage greater social acceptance of women having jobs
- encourage shared childcare responsibilities
- increased media coverage for woman’s sport
- increased sponsorship attracted to women’s sport
- providing education to reject stereotypical myths
- providing more opportunities for women to join sports clubs
- via the work of organisations such as sport England
What are the three main benefits to raising participation
- health benefits
- social benefits
- fitness benefits