What are the main factors that resulted from the industrial revolution?
UMPIRE WC Urbanisation Media Public provision Industrialisation Railways and roads Emergence of middle class
Working conditions improved
early 19th century negatives, post industrialised
loss of space laws banned games lack of time poverty poor health no travel
second half of 19th century positives
health + hygiene factory acts gave free time middle class respectable to play sport transport improved more provision
characteristics of rational recreation
all the R's and a T Regular competitions Regional national international comps Respectable etiquette Rules developed Referees Roles specifically assigned Technological advances
list contributions to rationalism
characteristics of rational recreation all the R's and a T Regular competitions Regional national international comps Respectable etiquette Rules developed Referees Roles specifically assigned Technological advances contributions to rationalism ex public schools formed NGB's and clubs, set codification competitions, leagues and comps formed developed sports
Characteristics of sport
Serious and competitive
Physical and high level skills
Officials enforce rules
Rules clearly defined involves NGB (institutionalised)
Trophies and extrinsic and intrinsic rewards
How did sport spread through the British empire
development of sport = British dominance and industrialisation
due to demand for machinery the British way of life was reported to Europe and so on with the shipment of machinery
British sports were passed to other countries through army engineers and administrators
the dissemination spread of sport
public school boys took their games and rules to: universities sports clubs factories derby missionaries armed forces took them abroad
What happened during the second half of the industrial revolution?
Introduced railways
- Industrial work
- Increased law and order
- More advanced technology
- Middle class emerged
- Literacy skills improved
industrialisation solutions to limited play
urbanization meant reduced space to play so pitches and stadiums emerged swell as spectators
media, communication, and popularity increased the standards so role models and celebrities emerged
philanthropists + wealthy were concerned about well being of other
industrialization meant more people too tired - factory acts fixed that
Post-industrial Britain SOCIAL CLASS
- Middle class emerged
- Middle class had more time and money
- Rules for sports
- Amateurism and professionalism
- Lower class pros got paid because they couldn’t get time off
- Socially mixed teams caused divides
Post industrial Britain- GENDER
- Women were expected to marry and be dependent on men
- Women married less
- Campaign for work and study for women
Post-industrial Britain LAW & ORDER
Mire defined laws
- Activities undertaken were less violent
- Upper class were making the laws and kept the sports they played like fox hunting
Post-Industrial Britain EDUCATION
- National education system was introduced
- Child labour was still common
- WC families didn’t want children to leave work because they would lose their income
- Rules were difficult to understand and upper class could participate more
- Education became more accessible
Post-Industrial Britain TRANSPORT
- Transport developed
- Railways developed and allowed spectators to visit venues
Post-Industrial Britain TIME & MONEY
- The factory owners created factory teams to keep workers healthy and loyal
- Thames iron works was formed West Ham
- People had more leisure time to play sport
- Lack of disposable income made sport difficult
- The growth of factories increased working hours
- Exclusive to UC and only males
- They were exclusive as they had to pay fees
- Thomas Arnold at Rugby school wanted his pupils to grow up moral Christian gentlemen
- Promoted sports and ethics
- The spread of games and ethic of sports
What is athleticism?
A combination of physical endeavour or trying hard, and moral integrity, or being honourable, truthful and showing good sportsmanship