What is the definition of extension?
to return from flexion, increase the angle at the joint or to straighten the limb
- e.g. straightening the arm or leg
Definition of defamation?
to reduce the angle at the joint or to bend a limb
- e.g. bending the arm at the elbow
definition of adduction?
to bring towards or across the midline of the body
- e.g. drawing the arm or leg into the body
Definition of abduction?
to take away from the midline of the body
- e.g. raising the arm or leg out to the side
Definition of rotation?
a rotary movement inward or outward
- e.g. turning the hip in and out
Definition of Horizontal flexion
a forward movement in a horizontal plane
- e.g. drawing the arm across the body as in a pec dec or press up exercise in the upward phase
Definition of Horizontal extension
a backward movement in a horizontal plane
- e.g. swinging the arm away from the body or press up in the downward phase
Definition of Plantar Flexion
pointing the toes away from the body
- e.g. pointing the toes when striking a football or the upward motion of a squat
Definition of Dorsi Flexion
to pull the toes towards the body
- e.g. digging the heel in the ground or the downward motion of a squat
Movements taking place over the sagittal plane and transverse axis
Flexion, extension, plantar flexion, dorsiflexion