5 things that can cause stress to a performer in sport
- Pressure to perform a certain way at a specific time
- The need to win and setting high expectations
- Feeling threatened by the opposition
- Other team mates evaluating performance
What is somatic anxiety?
Is the physiological responses of the performer, e.g. Increased HR, Sweating and butterflies
what is cognitive anxiety?
Psychological responses; thoughts and worries, even doubts in your own ability to complete the set task
What is trait anxiety?
Performer generally perceives situations as threatening
What is state anxiety?
A level of anxiety at a specific time or in a particular situation
What is competitive trait anxiety?
Performer generally perceives competitive situations as threatening
What is competitive state anxiety?
A level of anxiety during competitive situations
Measuring Anxiety- Physiological (Somatic)
Skin temperature Heart rate Breathing rate PH in blood Sweating rate
Measuring Anxiety- Observation
- gaining a measure of anxiety simply by watching the performer.
Facial expressions
Measuring Anxiety- Questionnaires
STAI ( State Trait Anxiety Inventory)
Non specific to sport
State-where there is a trigger for your anxiety
It can help identify how strong your Trait anxiety is
Measuring anxiety - questionnaires
SCAT (Sport Competition Anxiety Test)
Works well for students of sport psychology
Helps identify which athletes are more likely to suffer anxiety
- how we differ from others ( individual differences)
- Different types of anxiety
- Competition anxiety trait
- Competition itself
Very reliable and validThe CSAI-2 ( Competitive Sport Anxiety Inventory )
Measures cognitive and somatic anxiety at different times
- one week before a game
- one day before a game
- one hours before a game
- start if the competition
- hour into the competition