Calories per day for a male?
- around 2500
calories per day for a woman?
- around 1900
What are the statistics of a balanced diet?
55% Carbohydrates
15% Protein
30% Fats
5 portions fruit & veg
What are carbohydrates?
Sugars and starches stored in the body as glycogen and converted to glucose to fuel energy production
What are proteins?
Amino acids essential for the growth and repair of cells and tissues
What are fats?
Triglycerides which provide the body with fatty acids for energy production
What are saturated fatty acids?
A type of fat molecules typically solid at room temperature, mainly found in animal products which when consumed excessively, can be associated with heart disease
What are unsaturated fatty acids?
A type of fat molecule typically liquid at room temperature, mainly found in sunflower, olive and fish oils, which can help tomlower cholesterol
What are vitamins and minerals?
Essential organic and inorganic nutrients required for healthy body functions
What is calcium important for?
- important for bone health
What is iron important for?
Important for formation of red blood cells and haemoglobin
Name and function of fat soluble vitamins?
Stored in the body and found mainly in oils and dairy products Vitamin A - eye health D - bone health E - immune system health K - blood clotting
name and function of water soluble vitamins?
Not stored and require regular intake and are found mainkt in fruit and vegetables
C - blood vessels and skin health
B - breakdown of food
What is fibre?
Found in cereals and grains.
Important for normal function of the large intestine
- important for hydration