What is cohesion?
The tendency for individuals to work together to achieve their goals
What is co-action?
When the members of a team do the task at the same time but separately
What are Carron’s antecedents?
Environmental factors, personal Factors, leadership factors, team factors
What awesome environmental factors?
Size of group, time available
What is the effect of a large group size?
Larger groups can be more productive but there is a greater chance of social loafing/reduction in motivation and the ringlemann effect occuring, mix of age and gender decreases cohesion
What is the effect of personal factors?
Similarity of group in aims, opinions, value, fitness, role in the group
what is the effect if leadership factors?
Choice of leadership style and how well the coach/captain get on with the group members
What is the effect of team factors?
The effect of leadership factors
Choice of leadership style and how well the coach/captain get on with the group members
The effect of team factors
Success leads to higher cohesion, the longer the team has been together the higher their cohesion will be, a threat from another team can cause a team to bond
What is task cohesion?
Individuals working together to achieve an end result
What is social cohesion?
Individuals relating to each other to interact in the group
What is a negative effect of social cohesion?
Can cause cliques to develop in the group
What is Steiner’s model?
Actual productivity = Potential productivity - Faulty processes
What is potential productivity?
The best performance possible, based on player ability and group resources
What are coordinated problems?
Players failing to listen to instructions or misunderstanding roles
What is social loafing?
Individual loss of motivation due to a lack of performance identification
What are causes of social loafing?
Lack of confidence, not enjoying their role, poor leadership/lack of incentive and praise from leader, poor fitness, goals are too general
What is the Ringleman Effect?
As group size increase, performance decreases
What are methods to avoid social loafing?
Coaches recognise player’s efforts and reward them, assigning specific roles, using statistics to praise, realistic and specific goal setting, video analysis to highlight performance, varying practice to maintain motivation, keep fitness high