define achievement motivation?
a desire for significant accomplishment; for mastery of skills or ideas; for control; and for attaining a high standard - “the drive to succeed”
What is the achievement motivation theory?
a desire for significant accomplishment; for mastery of skills or ideas; for control; and for attaining a high standard - “the drive to succeed”
What is competitiveness?
the degree to which a person has the motivation to approach and achieve success in sport - ‘sport-specific achievement motivation’
What is approach behaviour?
the degree to which a person has the motivation to approach and achieve success in sport - ‘sport-specific achievement motivation’
What is avoidance behaviour?
behaviour that rejects a challenge
What is mastery motivation?
the strong motivation to succeed found in the high achiever. this type of person will expect to succeed but will persist when failure is experienced
What is learned helplessness?
the belief that failure is inevitable and that the individual has no control over the factors that cause failure
what is a NACH personality trait?
Need to achieve
What is NAF personality trait
need to avoid behaviour
In a performer with high Nach and low Naf…
desire to succeed outweighs fear of failure, high in achievement motivation
In a performer with low Nach and high Naf…
fear of failure outweighs the desire to succeed, low in achievement motivation
list NACH characteristics
- Approach behaviour is adopted,
- Accepts Challenging tasks,
- Risks are undertaken
- Persistence shown when task is difficult,
- Success attributed to internal factors
- Failure seen as a route to success
- Aspire for mastery orientation
List NAF characteristics?
- Avoidance behaviour is adopted
- Avoid challenging Tasks
- Lacks persistence and gives up easily when task is difficult
- Success attributed to external factors
- Failure attributed to internal factors
- Failure seen as a route to further failure
- Adopt learned helplessness
What are strategies to encourage NAF performers?
raise self esteem,
give achievable goals to experience success
Show successful models (vicarious experience), positive reinforcement
verbal persuasion
set performance goals