Training Program Principles - Part 1 Flashcards
How many principles does a training program have?
List all 12 Principles
- Specificity
- Frequency
- Intensity
- Time
- Type
- Progression
- Individuality
- Diminishig returns
- Variety
- Maintenance
- Overtraining
- Detraining
What is specificity principle?
Refers to wether a training program trains the demands of an athlete’s sport, including the relevant fitness components. energy system usage and major musce groups.
How can specificity of training be determined?
Through an activity analysis
What are the key factors identified through an activity analysis?
- Energy System Usage
- Fitness Components
- Major Muscle Groups
How does energy system usage affect specificity?
- Must be relevant for individual position
- Work to rest ratios should replicate scenario in game
How do fitness components affect specificity?
- Major fitness components should be identified and trained
- Fitness components should be relevant to position in game
How do major muscle groups affect specificty?
- Focus on key muscle groups
- Also find balance within the body
Which muscle groups and components should be trained regardless?
Core stability and strength exercises should be included in all training programs
How do skill frequencies affect specificity?
- Will allow athlete to work and train relevant muscle groups and joint actions
What does Frequency principle refer to?
How many times a session is conducted a week
How many sessions are required to improve?
What is catabolic effect?
Breakdown of muscle tisue due to exercise
What is anabolic effect?
Repair of muscle tissue due to rest
What occurs when there is a high frequency and insufficient rest?
Without sufficient rest, the anabolic effects will be greatly reduced
How do we ensure anabolic effects are experienced?
Having a rest day(s) for fatigued muscles between sessions
When do people accelerate their chronic adaptations?
When they begin to improve and are accustomed to the program
How can frequency be successfully increased?
Without reducing anabolic effects?
- Combination of training methods (eg: short interval and plyometrics)
- Split-routines (eg: raining different muscle groups separately)
Which type of athletes can train more often and why?
- Endurance athletes
- May train even twice a day
- Events have lower catabolic effect that anerobic sessions
- Alos build recovery runs into program
What is Intensity Principle?
Level of exertion during work phase of training session
How is chosing a certain intenisty important?
- Ensures athlete is working at appropriate level which is vital to make sure energy system and fitness components are targeted and developed
- Also ensures specificity
Describe relation between duration of traning sessions and intensity
Higher intensity means lower training duration
What are the main ways of measuring intensity?
- % max Heart Rate
- RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion)
- % 1RM
- % of VO2 max
- Accelerometres
- gps
Need to know bolded ones thoroughly
State % Max Heart Rates for each energy system
- 95-100% = ATP-PC System Use 100%
- 85-95% = Anaerobic Glycolysis System Use 90%
- 70-85% = Aerobic Training Zone Use 80%
State the RPE for each energy system
- 10 = ATP-PC System
- 8-9 = Anaerobic Glycolysis System
- 6-7 = Aerobic Training Zone
What is 1RM?
I repitition maximum
List some benefits of Heart Rate Monitoring
- Easy to measure (many devices can measure it)
- Very effective for aerobic activity
List some disadvantages of Heart Rate Monitoring
- Less accurate for anaerobic activities or short duration movements (lag in heart rate)
- Gives higher reading for upper body or swimming exercises (need to subtract 10 beats per minute)
List some advantages of RPE
- Better for measuring Anerobic or short duration activities (no lag)
List disadvantage of RPE
- Athlete may tell coach/trainer a rating they want to hear and not what rating truly might be