Acute Responses + Cardiovascular System Flashcards
What does the cardiovascular system refer to?
Refers to heart and blood vessels in body
What are the parts of the heart
And which on is most important in PE?
Right Atrium, Left Atrium, Right Ventricle and Left Ventricle
Which is the largest part of heart and why?
Left Ventricle which pumps blood out of heart to the whole body
What types of blood vessels does the body have?
- Arteries
- Arterioles
- Capillaries
- Venules
- Veins
What are Arteries?
Thick/Strong and big blood vessels carrying blood away from the heart
What are Veins?
Big bood vessels carrying blood towards the heart
What are capillaries?
Very thin blood vessels between arteries and veins that wrap around cells and muscles
What is a special feature of capillaries?
Are so thin that gasses can diffuse between capillary walls
What happens between muscles and capillaries?
Oxygen moves from bloodstream (capillaries) to working muscles and carbon dioxide moves from working muscles to bloodstream (capillaries)
What is Heart Rate
Number of heart beats per minute
What is Stroke Volume
Amount of blood ejected from left ventricle per heart beat
What is Cardiac Output?
Amount of blood ejected from left ventricle per minute
How do you calculate Cardiac Output?
Heart Rate x Stroke Volume = Cardiac Output
What will happen to Stroke Volume at sub-maximal intensity
Stroke Volume will plateau at sub-maximal intensity as Left-Ventricle can hold a max amount of blood. Any further increase in Cardiac Output will be result of increase in Heart Rate.
What is a Cardiac Cycle?
Heart contracting and relaxing
What is systolic pressure?
Pressure of blood in arteries when Heart Contracts
What is Diastolic pressure?
Pressure of blood in arteries when Heart relaxes
What is normal Blood Pressure?
mmHg stands fro millimetres of Mercury
What does the top number and bottom number of blood pressure represent?
- Top Number is Systolic Pressure
- Bottom Number is Diastolic Pressure
When intensity increases what happens to blood pressure and why?
Systolic Blood pressure increases whilst diastolic remains same. This is beacuse heart contracts harder and faster, thus systolic blood pressure in arteries increases.
Diastolic never changes
What are average Cardiac Output levels at rest and at maximum intensity
- Rest - 6L per minute
- Maximum Intensity - 25L per minute
What is venous pooling?
When venous blood stagnates near muscles and doesn’t retunr back to the heart
What is venous return?
Amount of venous blood returning to heart
What is avo2 difference?
Avo2 difference is the difference in oxygen concentration in arterial and venous blood
What happens to avo2 difference as intensity increases and why?
avo2 difference increases as well. More oxygen is being used by muscles form arterial blood, resulting in increase difference in oxygen concentration between arteriala nd venous blood.
avo2 difference will never equal oxygen concentration in arteries
What is vasodilation?
Widening of blood vessels to carry more blood
What is vasoconstriction?
Constriction of blood vessels to carry less blood
What is redistribution of bloodflow?
Vasodilation and vasoconstriction occurring to redirect blood to certain parts of the body
Describe impact on Redistribution of bloodflow in terms of Acute Response
As an acute response, there will be a redistribution of bloodflow away (vasoconstriction) from the digestive system and some internal organs and twoards working muscles (vasodilation). Increase in bloodflow leads to increase in oxygen delivery and thus, athlete can work at a higher intensity aerobically.