Timed Climb/Descents Flashcards
What’s the objective?
Based on a rate of climb/descent of 500 fpm
Every 15 seconds there is a change in altitude of 125 ft (every 12 secs- 100 ft)
After 30 secs: 250 ft
After 1 minute: 500 ft
Finally we need 2 minutes to climb or descend 1000 ft of altitude
How do we perform the manouver?
Acft trimmed and in straight and level flight at safe altitude
Analogue watch: select point at which we will being checking the time with the power settings and nose positions mentioned in 4.2.2
Descending at 500 fpm and 120 kts
How often does the student comment on the checks?
Every 15 seconds
Make slight corrections with throttles of a maximum of +/- 200 fpm difference from the 500 fpm standard
In timed climbs/descends the rate of 500 fpm takes precedence over the speed and due to this we will have to compensate for the initial delay
What do we need to complete the manouver correclt?
Technique for leveling mentioned in 4.2.2 with an anticipation of 10% of the corresponding rate
On levelling off, the procedure should have taken 2 minutes with a maximum error of +/- 5 seconds