stuff after the 2nd quiz history Flashcards
Erasmus printed the 1st completed N.T. in 1516
Greek Bible
what did the scholars teach as the authority of the christian
the Bible
what university did Martin Luther study at
University of Erfurt
what university did martin luther become a professor at
University of Wittenberg
A friar appointed who travelled in Europe selling indulgences for pope Leo X and the building of St. Peter’s Cathedral
Johann Tetzel
what date did Martin Luther nail his document to the door of the church
Oct 31, 1517
what was Martin Luther’s document called
95 theses
people who protested the corrupt church practices
to reform the problems in the church
an official church meeting
who did luther challenge to debate
Johan Eck
when was the 2nd debate of martin luther
first diet of Martin Luther
Diet of Augsburg
3rd diet of luther with Charles V, also declared him a heretic
Diet of worms
1st protestant university in europe
University of Wittenberg
composed first 1st protestant hymn book and wrote a mighty fortress is our God
Martin Luther
who was martin luthers wife
Katharina von Bora
Catholic priest in Zurich, Switzerland; preached the truth of the Bible instead of Catholic doctrine
Ulrich Zwingli
French Protestant Reformation leader
John Calvin
followers of john calvin’s followers