Stimulus Response Psychology Flashcards
What is SRP?
The theory that human behaviour is a response to stimuli (Behaviourism 1920-50s)
What does SRP believe is inherited?
The most basic of reflexes
What does SRP believe other behaviours are learned by?
Passive learning from contingencies in environment or trial and error plus reinforcements (rewards and punishments from the environment)
What 3 laws did Edward Thorndike theorise?
Law of effect, exercise and readiness
What is the law of effect?
Behaviours that lead to satisfying outcomes are likely to be repeated, whereas behaviours that lead to undesired outcomes are less likely to recur.
What is the law of exercise?
In learning, the more frequently a stimulus and response are associated with each other, the more likely the particular response will follow the stimulus
What is the law of readiness?
Learning is dependent upon the learner’s readiness to act, which facilitates the strengthening of the bond between stimulus and response
What is instrumental conditioning?
We learn through trial and error, the probability of producing a particular behaviour is determined by past outcomes - the rewards and punishments that our environment has delivered
What is Edward Tolman’s theory of latent learning?
Learning that occurs but does not come apparent until there is an incentive to demonstrate it
What were the 3 groups of Tolman’s research?
1- food reward, 2- no reward and 3- no food reward for 10 days but awarded on the 11th
What is a cognitive map?
Mental representation of the layout of one’s environment
In the maze learning experiment, what happened in the standard maze?
A rat is put into the maze on day 1 and wanders around until they come to the food box, this is repeated every 24 hours
What do the rats learn over the days?
To get to the food box quickly and reduce the number of errors they perform (entrances to dead ends)
What is the correlation between error and food being in the box?
The number of errors made before reaching the food box reduces most quickly over the days if there is food in the food box and the rat is hungry
What were the findings of the maze experiment?
Rats with experience of the maze learnt faster was the reward was introduced (day 11) than rats with no prior experience