Language pt.2 Flashcards
In terms of language, what problems do children need to solve?
Phonology, syntax and morphology but also have to learn to generalise appropriately
What is segmentation?
Infants have to learn words from continuous stream of speech as there are no gaps between the words in the speech stream. They use transitional probabilities to break up sentences
What did Saffran do?
Used a technique called the head turn preference procedure to look at segmentation in 8 month olds. Infants exposed to continuous stream of syllables for 2 minutes
What occurred in experiment 1 of Saffran et al’s experiment?
Can infants distinguish words and non-words. Words = sequences where 1st syllable always followed by 2nd and 3rd. Non words = sequences where syllables never followed each other. Infants listened longer to non-words
What occurred in experiment 2?
Can infants distinguish words and non words. Part words = sequences where 3rd syllable only followed 2nd syllable one third of the time. Infants listened longer to part words
What were the findings of Saffron’s experiment?
8 month olds can discriminate 3 syllable sequences with high transitional probabilities - use them to finds words in the speech stream
What technique did Brusini et al use?
Cognitive neuroscience technique called near infrared spectroscopy to look at how early are infants sensitive to transitional probabilities
What did Brusini et al do?
Played newborns 3 mins of a stream of syllables and found that newborns showed different patterns of brain response to words and part words
What is beyond transitional probabilities?
Although they are a good way to break into the speech signal, it needs to be segmented in different ways in different languages.
What is the dominant stress pattern of English words?
Trochaic, strong to weak such as CANdle
What did Jusczyk et al do?
Played English speaking 7.5 most old infants passages containing 2 syllable words. Some words had the trochaic stress pattern but others had iambic guiTAR
What did Jusczyk find?
Infants listened longer to the words they had heard embedded in the longer passages than to control words but only if the target words had the trochaic pattern typical of English
What do children have to learn in relation to word order rules?
In English it is SVO, subject verb object
What is Tomasello’s verb island hypothesis?
He kept a detailed diary record of his daughters early multi word and noticed that similar verbs often behaved very differently in her speech, use of new verbs stated simple regardless of how complicated sentences with old verbs were
What did Akhtar and Tomasello ask the children to do?
To act out sentences with novel verbs in SVO word other. Children performed at chance and concluded that children did not have verb general knowledge of word order