PACD - Punishment Flashcards
What have studies found an association between?
Physical punishment and aggression and externalising problems in children
What is a conditional punishment?
Spanking under limited conditions
What is a customary punishment?
Spanking used as one of a range of disciplinary methods
What is an overly severe punishment?
Use of excessive force, hitting with an object, slapping the face
What is predominant punishments?
The primary disciplinary method
What is conditional associated with?
Better child outcomes compared to other techniques
What is the definition of child maltreatment?
All forms of physical and emotional ill treatment, sexual abuse, neglect or negligent treatment or commercial or other exploitation resulting in actual or potential harm to the child’s health, survival, development or dignity in the context of a relationship of responsibility, trust or power
What is neglect?
The failure of a parent to provide for the development of the child in health, education, emotional development, nutrition, shelter and safe living conditions
What is physical abuse?
Those acts of commission by a caregiver that cause actual physical harm or have the potential to harm
What is emotional abuse?
Acts that have an adverse effect on the emotional health and development of a child e.g restricting a child’s movement, denigration, ridicule, threats and intimidation, discrimination, rejection and hostile treatment
What is sexual abuse?
Caregiver using a child for sexual gratification
What is the most common form of abuse in the UK?
What are the outcomes of childhood abuse?
Decreased emotional well being, increased suicidality and increased delinquency behaviour
What type of violence is also considered a form of abuse?