SC - The curse of knowledge Flashcards
What is an egocentric bias?
A tendency to be biased by one’s own knowledge when attempting to appreciate a more naive or uniformed perspective and overcoming this bias is cognitively demanding
How is adults performance in different belief reasoning problems affected?
- general processing speed and executive
- simultaneously performing a task that interferes with working memory
- language processing
- brain injury affecting working memory or other aspects of executive function
What do Apperly and Butterfill argue that theory of mind abilities are?
Highly flexible but not automatic, cognitively demanding and depend on a limited quantity of cognitive resources
What is a possible problem in theory of mind tests in children?
Binary response -> either correct or incorrect. No detection of degrees of performance that fall somewhere in between.
What did infants watch in the Onishi and Baillargeon violation of expectation experiment with 15 month olds?
An actor put an object in 1 of 2 boxes, the object was moved to the other box either with the actor seeing or not seeing and then the actor looked for the object.
What was found about infant watch time?
Looked longer when the actor searched in the box
What were 18 month olds shown in Tomasello’s experiment?
Shown two boxes and how they could be locked by putting a wooden in into a hole in the front.
What occured with the two experimenters in Tomasello’s experiment?
Having played with a soft toy, the first experimenter put it in a box. The second experimenter then moved the soft toy to the other box
What were the two conditions in Tomasello’s experiment?
True belief - the first experiment saw the hiding of the toy
False belief- the first experimenter did not see the hiding of the toy
What did the first experimenter do in both conditions of Tomasello’s experiment?
Attempted to open the box where the toy was originally, failed to open the box, asked the infant to help, the infant chose a box, removed the pin and opened the lid.
Which box did the infant open in the false belief condition?
Assuming the adult wanted to retrieve the toy, the infant opened the other box where the toy was now located.
Which box did the infant open in the true belief condition?
The infant opened the box where the toy was originally, because the experimenter has seen the location switch so they assumed they wanted to open the box for another reason.
What do the results of Tomasello’s experiment show?
Represent by far the youngest age of false belief understanding in a task with an active behavioural measure.
What is implicit false belief?
Children have an implicit theory of mind before explicit one that enables to make explicit judgements - cannot reveal knowledge yet