Sound Flashcards
Screeching sound
صدای گوش خراش
The screeching sound of the car’s tires as it came to a sudden stop caught the attention of nearby pedestrians, who rushed over to see if anyone was injured.
muffled sound
صدای خفه
I could hear a muffled sound coming from the other room, but I couldn’t make out what was being said due to the closed door.
incessant noise
صدای پیوسته
The incessant noise of the construction work outside made it difficult for her to concentrate on her studies, prompting her to invest in a pair of noise-cancelling headphones.
Music blaring
صدای بلند موسیقی
The neighbors complained about the loud music blaring from the party next door, prompting the police to issue a noise violation warning.
Birds chirping
جیک جیک پرندگان
The sound of birds chirping in the trees outside her window provided a soothing background melody as she enjoyed her morning coffee.
Rumble of thunder
صدای غرش طوفان
As the storm approached, the rumble of thunder grew louder and more frequent, signaling a deluge of rain and lightning to come.
silence descended
سکوت حکم فرما شد
As the conductor raised his baton, a hush fell over the audience, and a moment later, a beautiful symphony filled the concert hall as silence descended once again after the last note.
Uncharacteristically quiet
سکوت غیر عادی و عجیب
The usually boisterous children were uncharacteristically quiet as they watched their favorite movie, completely engrossed in the plot.
Eerily silent
Erie Silence
سکوت ترسناک
As she walked through the deserted city streets, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of unease at how eerily silent everything was, as if the entire world had suddenly gone quiet.
Babbling stream
صدای جریان اب
Shrill voice
صدای تیز
“Her shrill voice could be heard from across the room, causing everyone to turn and look in her direction.”
Raucous laughter
صدای خنده گوش خراش
“The group of friends erupted in raucous laughter at the comedian’s joke, causing heads to turn in their direction.”
dull thud
صدای خفیف
grating noise
صدای گوش خراش
“The grating noise of the construction work outside made it difficult to concentrate on my work.”
The windows rattled
صدای تق تق پنجره
I shut my eyes the windows rattled in the wind and there was a distant rumble of thunder
To rustle
صدای خش خش دادن مثل برگ یا کاغذ
stop rustling your newspaper I can’t hear the radio
Beep the horn
To screech
صدایی شبیه جیغ کشیدن
The car is the brake screech as it stops suddenly
footsteps squelched
صدای شلپ شلپ پا وقتی تو شل و گل راه میری
to howl
زوزه کشیدن
از درد ضجه و فریاد زدن
The dogs howled all night
Dogs growl
خر خر کردن سگ( دندان نشان دادن)
با خشم صحبت کردن
Who are you he growled at add the stranger
Squeak of mouse
صدای جیر جیر موش
صدای جیغ جیغی انسان
To crow
قوقولی قوقو کردن خروس
A cock begin to Crow
پز دادن موفقیت/ به رخ کشیدن
he won’t stop crowing about his victory
owls hoot
hoots of derision
صدای هوهو کردن جغد
برای کسی بوق زدن
Why did he hoot that me
صدای هوکردن تماشاچی برای مسخره کردن
Booming voice
صدای بم
“With a booming voice, the actor commanded the attention of the entire audience.”
gruff voice
صدای خشن
“Speaking in a gruff voice, the sergeant issued orders to the troops.”
mitter somthing under breath
زیر لب چیزی گفتن
“After receiving the news, she sighed and muttered something under her breath.”
utter a word
کلمه ای به زبان اوردن
“Frightened by the dark, the child refused to utter a word.”
Stony silence
سکوت از روی ناراحتی وخشم
slur your words
بریده ونامعلومحرفزدن
“Feeling tired and groggy, she started to slur the words during her presentation, causing confusion among the audience.”
clap of thunder
صدای بلند و ناگهانی
Deathly hush
سکوت محض
silence reigned
سکوت حکم فرما شد