Character and behavior Flashcards
vivid imagination
تخیل قوی و خلاق
As a writer, Sarah had a vivid imagination that allowed her to create rich and detailed worlds in her stories.
brutally honest
painfully shy
fiercely loyal
bear a grudge
کینهبهدل داشتن
Even though it’s been years since their argument, Tom still bears a grudge against his former business partner.
a mean streak
یه رگه بد ذات بودن
Jenny has a mean streak that often comes out when she’s feeling frustrated or stressed.
Have a tendency
تمایل داشتن
I have a tendency to procrastinate when I have a lot of work to do.
procrastinate( امروز وفردا کردن)
have a superiority complex
خود بزرگ بینی
John has a superiority complex which makes it difficult for him to work well with others who he believes are beneath him.
Downright rude
کاملا بی ادب
Mildly surprise
کمی متعجب
The sudden appearance of a shooting star mildly surprised the stargazers.
Loosely based on
تا حدودی براساس
The movie was loosely based on a true story, taking creative liberties with the plot and characters.
/ غیر معاشرتی /سرد
She gave him a standoffish glance before turning away.
منزوی / گوشه گیر
He was a cold ، aloof man.
خجالتی / کم رو
A diffident girl who wouldn’t even say a word
خصلت / ویژگی شخصی
Her kindness is her most admirable trait.
ویژگیمثبت / حسن اخلاق
he has many virtues، being generous is the most important one
حیله کر / مکار
he was as cunning as a fox
عجولانه / بی فکر
It was an impulsive decision.
ساده / ساده لوح / بی تجربه
I can’t believe you were so naïve as to trust him
be cruel to be kind
ممکنه اولش سخت باشه ولی نتیجه اش خوبه
He decided to be cruel to be kind, delivering the harsh truth in order to help her grow.
ادم ریاکار / متظاهر
don’t be such a hypocrite
خودشیفته/ افاده ای
Jack such a snob he’s always talking about his rich relatives
look down on someone
خود را کسی بهتر دانستن / از بالا به کسی نگاه کردن
It’s unfair to look down on somebody just because they have different beliefs or lifestyles.
Delve deeper
کاوش کردن
Not to knock
توهین نمیکنم
A busy bee
ادم مشغول
snuggling up
پتو بغل کردن
Carry-on inside joke
بین جمع دوستان شوخی کردن
have the guts
دل و جرات داشتن
Keep on track
در مسیر نگه داشتن