Social issue Flashcards
Force for good
تاثیر مثبت
Can economy migration be seen as a force for good?
A novel solution
راه حل جدید
The team discovered a novel solution to the puzzle, making it easier for everyone to solve.
law and order a breakdown
بهم ریختن نظم و قانون
The law and order breakdown resulted in chaos and confusion throughout the city.
riots erupt
هرج و مرج ناگهانی ایجاد شدن
The peaceful protest quickly turned into a riot as tensions erupted among the crowd.
Social fabric
ساختار های اجتماعی
The strong social fabric of the community fostered a sense of unity and support among its members.
Draconian measures
اقدامات شدید و سخت گیرانه
The government implemented draconian measures to enforce strict control over the population.
Provide relief
یاری دادن / کمک کردن
should reach nations provide relief when disasters occur in poorer countries?
Make a plea
درخواست کردن
The defendant’s lawyer made a passionate plea for leniency during the court hearing.
Rundown areas
مناطق مخروبه و داغون
Efforts are being made to revitalize the rundown areas of the city and improve the quality of life for residents.
Poor sanitary condition
وضعیت بهداشتی وخیم
too many people are living with poor sensory conditions
Unfit for human habitation
برای سکونت افراد نامناسب بودن
Illegal substance
مواد غیرقانونی
The possession and distribution of illegal substances is strictly prohibited by law.
اصلاح کردن / بهتر کردن
Each time they amended the plan they made it worse
وفق دادن / جذب کردن
The United States of America has assimilated people from all parts of the world
You shouldn’t expect immigrants to assimilate into an alien culture immediately
عبور کردن / کذر کردن
The transition from childhood to adulthood
reverts back to something
Try not to revert to your old eating habits
impose on
Impose upon somebody
تحمیل کردن
I don’t want them to impose their religious beliefs on my children
Bring about
What brought about the change in his attitude
sweeping change
تغیر گسترده و وسیع
نامحسوس / ظریف / مبهم
subtle change
Subtle color
Facilitate something
تسهیل کردن
to facilitate complex process
implement something
انجام دادن / اجرا کردن
the cost of implementing the new law