loolia's collocations Flashcards
raise public awareness
اگاهی عمومی را بالا بردن
The media are expected to raise public awareness regarding the importance of environmental issues, and the role that every individual can adopt and perform to protect nature.
Boost the sales of consumer goods
افزایش فروش کالاهای مصرفی
Many advertisements are intended to boost the sales of consumer goods, which encourages consumerism in society.
Shape one’s personality/character
The way parents interact with children can shape their personality at the later stages of their lives.
pass/adopt/enact /introduce a law قانون گذاری کردن
apply/ implement/enforce a law اجرای قانون
follow/observe/ obey a law پیروی کردن از قانون
break/flout/vilolate a law نادیده گرفتن و قانون شکنی
The government should pass and apply more strict laws against drug trafficking.
impose/place a limitation on sb/sth
برای کسی یا چیزی محدودیت ایجاد کردن
The government has decided to impose more serious limitations on certain social activities and businesses in order to tackle the growing problem of Coronavirus spread.
Serve justice
اجرای عدالت
We are here to make sure that justice is served, and criminals suffer from the consequences of their criminal acts.
Hand down/pass/pronounce a sentence
قرائت حکم
The judge will hand down the sentence tomorrow, I predict he will be sentenced to two or three years imprisonment.
Adopt/take on/assume a role
نقش ایفا کردن
Women have adopted a critical role in the social and economic development of society.
Adopt a(n)
پذیرفتن یک نگرش/دیدگاه داشتن
We have adopted one principle in our company, which is commitment to the quality of service and the satisfaction of customers.
Adopt/employ a strategy
پذیرفتن یک استراتژی/ استفاده از یک استراتژی
The government is going to employ an effective strategy to root out corruption among high-ranking government officials.
Make advance
Remarkable/notable/considerable advance
پیشرفت داشتن
Humankind has made very significaned advance in science and technology.
Carry out a reform
Undertake/implement a reform
اصلاحات ایجاد کردن
The president is determined to carrying out a reform by 2025
Take action
A course of action
Plan of action
Take a step
Take a measure
اقدام کردن برای انجام کاری
The government has taken a measure to address the peoblem of unemloyment
Immediate action
Urgent/prompt action
اقدامات فوری
“When the emergency alarm sounded, the security team swiftly took immediate action, rushing to the scene to ensure the safety of all occupants.”
Address a problem
Setle a problem
Handle/deal with/approach/set about/
*tackle a problem
مهار مشکل بصورت موقتی
سعی بر برطرف کردن مشکل
Face a problem
Be faced with/have/encounter a problem
داشتن مشکل
Tax evasion is one of the problems that governments face/ are faced with
In less developed countries
Solve a problem
Resolve a problem
حل مشکل
Totalitarianism government
دولت تمامیخواه
historical experience suggests that political power has always been associated with totalitarianism
مستلزم بودن
it’s very ambitious goal indeed but it entails taking a small steps
Financial incentives
Take into account
مد نظر قرار دادن
There are so many wide range of factors beyond financial incentives that should be taken into account
Indulge a desire
یک میل را عملی کردن/ ارضا کردن/ جامه عمل پوشانیدن
Profoundly indept
عمیقا مدیون بودن
Great entrepreneurs appropriate a proportion of their income for social services
Pave the way
هموار کردن مسیر
غرامت دادن/ جبران کردن/ دستمزد کسی را دادن
To compensate the services we have received
Foster a culture
Create a culture
فرهنگ سازی کردن
Serve a prominent role
نقش برجسته ای داشتن
Women constitute 51% of the population of Iran
Extra curicular
برنامه درسی
Satisfy/address/meet/fullfill/cover/cater for/serve a
نیازی را براورده کردن
Satisfy/address/meet/fullfill/cover/cater for/serve a
نیازی را براورده کردن
Meet a need / meet a requierment/ demand qualification/ meet a expectations / meet a critirion / meet a standard / meet ones satisfaction
Give rise to
دامن زدن
Mismanagement gives rise to economic problems
Result from / stem from / be rooted in / be attributed to
ناشی شدن از
Children’s lack of self-confidence is rooted in behavior of their parents
The antisocial behavior of children and teenagers can be attributed to TV programs And computer games. می تواند نسبت داده شود به ….
✅Have / exert / bring about an effect
❎Cuase an effect
تاثیر داشتن
Smoking will exert negative effects on your health
✅Have / exert / bring about an effect
❎Cuase an effect
تاثیر داشتن
Smoking will exert negative effects on your health
Negative /Harmful / adverse / destructive/ Undesirable/ detrimental / devastating / catastrophic / deleterious Effect
اثر منفی
Serve an integral role
Do / cause / inflict damage to
ایجاد خسارت
Irreversible / irreparable damge
خسارت جبران ناپذیر
Pose risk / danger / threath / hazard / problem / challange /
ایجاد خطر
At first، It seemed that social media Would facilitate human communication. However, the passing of time revealed that these so-called social networks could pose very serious risk to social skills of users.
In general / generally speaking / broudly speaking/as a rule( معمولا،بطور کلی)/ generally / basically /tipically
By and large( روی هم رفته)
همه اینها اول جمله میان و بعدشون کاما قرار میگیره
Peer presure
نوعی تقلید از هم سن و سالان
Many teenagers follow fashion because of peer pressure
Impose/ Place a financial burden on sb or sth
فشار مالی ایجاد کردن روس کسی یا چیزی
Heavy traffic imposes a huge financial burden on government. To illustrate, consider the budget that should be spent on the construction on new highways and maintenance of the existing ones.
Be prone to sth/ be likely to be influenced by
در معرض چیزی یودن
Labor children are prone to child-abuse and other social disorders
The Internet can exert destructive Effects on all users. In particular, children and teenagers are more prone to risks.
Advent of sth
پیدایش چیزی
Sth is regarded as
Percieved as
قلمداد میشود…
Irrespective of
Regardless of
صرف نظر از اینکه
Serve / play / perform / occupy / have a role
بازی کردن یک نقش
امتیاز دادن و گرفتن
مصالحه کردن
Learn how to compromise in married life.
Compromise belives
از باورها دست کشیدن
Compromise principles, for the sake of money
بخاطر پول از ارزشها دست کشیدن
Indispensable part / integral /inseparable part
یک جزو جدانشدنی
Make concession to ath or sb
امتیاز دادن
The government will not make any concessions to terrorists.
Evinced interest
علاقه نشان دادن
Mankind has a winced interest in renewable Energy sources recently.