family Flashcards
immediate family
خواهر و برادر
kimia is the only immediate family that I’ve got .
extended family
includes reletavies like aunts,uncle,cousins & …
aria is my favorite of extended family
Close-knit family
خانواده ای که باهم روابط خوبی دارند
The Johnsons are a close-knit family who always support each other through thick and thin.
carefree childhood
کودکی راحت واسوده و مرفح.
i imagine that elon musk had a carefree childhood.
dysfunctional family
خانواده ای که روابط در ان مناسب و سالم نیست.
i can’t say that i had a dysfunctional family,but it was’nt the best either.
Troubled childhood
کودکیکه در ان فقر ومشکلات زیادی وجود داشته.
most of the murdurers have had a troubled childhood.
strange husband
زن و شوهری که جدا از هم زندگی میکنن
Trial separation
زن وشوهری که جدا از هم زندگی میکنند
After years of struggling to make their marriage work, the couple decided to take a trial separation
acrimonious divorce
طلاق تلخ
The acrimonious divorce left both parties bitter and resentful towards each other
Confirmed bachelor
کسی که مشخصا ازدواج نخواهد کرد
Despite his family’s constant pressure to settle down, John remained a confirmed bachelor, enjoying his freedom and independence too much to consider getting married.
Child prodigy
کودک نابغه
The child prodigy astounded the audience with their extraordinary talents at such a young age.
pander to every whim
به هر خواسته ای تن دادن
The hotel staff was trained to pander to every whim of their demanding guests.
disaffected youth
جوان یاغی و سرکش
the disaffected boy who can’t be controlled.
Juvenile delinquent
بزهکاری جوانان
See the error of his way
مشکلات و خطاهای خود را دیدن
take for granted
قدر چیزی را ندانستن
We often take our good health for granted
occasional twinge
درد موقتی در قسمتی از بدن
Having a bigger smile on her face, she feels Anna occasional twinge of sadness
As she reminisced about their past, an occasional twinge of nostalgia tugged at her heart.
senior moment
فراموشی بدلیل کهنسالی
During the speech, the professor had a senior moment and momentarily forgot her train of thought.
grumpy old men
پیرمرد قرقرو
sentimental value
ارزش معنوی
it is on house he was surrounded by things of great sentimental value
Rekindle memories
دوباره خاطرات را زنده کردن
The familiar scent of freshly baked cookies rekindled memories of childhood for the old couple.
Undivided attention
توجه کاملا و ۱۰۰ درصدی
The teacher captivated the students with her engaging storytelling, ensuring their undivided attention throughout the lesson.