Money Flashcards
Inherit money
پول به ارثبردن
After his wealthy uncle passed away, he was surprised to learn that he would inherit a large sum of money and several valuable properties.
Inherit a fortune
ثروت هنگفت به ارث بردن
She never expected to inherit a fortune from her distant relative, but when she did, she decided to use the money to start her own business.
make it withdrawal
از حساببانکیپول برداشت کردن
He made a major withdrawal from the bank to purchase a new house, but he later realized that he had overestimated his financial capabilities.
Squander money
پول هدر دادن
Despite his parents’ warnings, he continued to squander money on expensive gadgets and luxury items, and soon found himself deep in debt.
make a budget
بودجه بندی کردن
If you want to save money and avoid overspending, it is important to make a budget and stick to it consistently.
Financially savvy
هوش مالی
Being financially savvy means making informed decisions about how you manage your money, invest your savings, and plan for your future.
Pay the money back in installment
پول را بصورت قسطی پرداخت کردن
The bank agreed to lend her the money for her tuition fees, with the condition that she would pay the money back in installments over the course of the next five years.
counterfeit bills
پول تقلبی
The cashier immediately recognized the counterfeit bills and called the police, who were able to track down the culprit and bring him to justice.
cash flow
وجوه در گردش
The company’s cash flow improved significantly after it implemented a new inventory management system that allowed it to more accurately forecast demand and avoid stockouts.
Fiscal responsibility
مسئولیت مالی
Fiscal responsibility is an essential trait for any successful business, as it involves making smart financial decisions that balance short-term needs and long-term goals.
revenue stream
جریان درامدی
The tech startup has multiple revenue streams, including subscription fees, advertising revenue, and sales of data analytics services, which help to diversify its sources of income and reduce risk.
Throw money at
برای حل یک مشکل بیش از حد پول خرج کردن
The government think they can solve the problem by throwing money at it
Run up a bill
صورت حساب بالا رفتن
بدهی بالا اوردن
If you keep ordering more drinks, you’re going to run up a high bill at the bar.
Adhere to principles
به اصول پایبند بودن
Even in the face of adversity, she always chose to adhere to her principles.
A stroke of luck
شانس خوب.حسن تصادف
He found his lost wallet by a stroke of luck, just before he cancelled all his credit cards.
Coin a phrase
اصطلاحی را باب کردن
Shakespeare is often credited with coining a phrase in the English language in his play “Hamlet.”
it goes without saying that
ناگفته نماند که
It goes without saying that honesty is the foundation of any healthy relationship.
divulge a secret
راز را فاش کردن
Raise money
پول جمع کردن
The plane was overbooked
هواپیما بیش از حد ظرفیت رزرو شده بود
Money is tight
اوضاع مالی خوب نیست
take out a loan
وام گرفتن
holiday shopping spree
او از این مغازه به اون مغازه رفت و تا توانست خرید کرد.