Skill classification Flashcards
What is a skill
Learned activity involving a chain of sensory, central and motor mechanisms
What is a motor programme
A series of subroutines organised into the correct sequence to perform a movement
What are sub routines
Fixed / individual parts that make up a skill
What does CEMPOD stand for
C - Continuity
E - Environment
M - Muscular involvement
P - Pacing
O - Organisation
D - Difficulty
What does Continuity refer to as part of CEMPOD
Discrete - Skill has a definite beginning and end
Serial - Collection of discrete skills in a sequence
Continuous - No clear beginning or end to skill
What does environment refer to as part of CEMPOD
Open - Changing environment where other affect the skill
Closed - Not affected by the environment
What does Muscular involvement refer to as part of CEMPOD
Gross - Large muscle movements
Fine - Small muscle movements
What does Pacing refer to as part of CEMPOD
Externally paced - Performance of action is determined by external sources
Self paced - Performer decides when to perform the skill
What does Organisation refer to as part of CEMPOD
Low - Sub routines can be easily identified
High - Skill can’t be split into sub routines
What does Difficulty refer to as part of CEMPOD
Simple - Little info or stimuli to process
Complex - Large amounts of info to process