Schizophrenia Flashcards
hallucination (& % types)
image or sensation that occurs without external stimulus - 75-90% auditory - 49% visual - 20% tactile also olfactory, gustatory
positive symptoms
- hallucinations (perception)
- delusions (thought)
- bizarre, disorganized behavior
- positive formal thought disorder (speech)
THINK: overactive dopamine, super noticeable
- easy to treat pharmacologically
delusion (definition)
fixed, false belief not validated in reality; contrary to patient’s education and cultural background
examples of delusions & %
81% persecution 49% ideas of reference 39% grandeur 28% somatic (physical sensation) also, control (broadcasting, insertion, withdrawal)
negative symptoms (The 5 A’s!)
A ffective flattening (95% of neg sympers) A logia A nhedonia A ttentional impairment A volition
- difficult to treat pharmacologically
impoverished thinking & cognition
lack of ability to experience pleasure
lack of initiative and energy
positive formal thought disorder
- word salad
- flight of ideas
- neologism
- clang associations
- echolalia
word developed by person that they believe everyone knows
clang associations
meaningless rhyming of words, often forcefully
repetition of someone else’s words (often seen in catatonia)
poor insight
flat affect
immobile facial expression, blacnk look
blunted affect
minimal emotional response
inappropriate affect
emotional response to situation is not congruent with the tone of the situation
direct social changes
- deterioration of social skills, mistrust
- loss of drive/motivation
- inability to communicate
- deterioration of personal hygiene
indirect social changes
- poor academic/vocational performance
- low self-esteem, dependency, stigmatization
prodromal phase
aka “prepsychotic”
- precedes active phase by 1mo to 1 y
- gradual development of symptoms with deterioration of social skills
residual phase
maintenance phase for many
- affective flattening and role impairment
- may be interrupted by repeated recurrences of active phase
- more negative symptoms over time
criteria (acute phase)
characteristic symptoms: 2 or more present during one month period
- grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior
- negative symptoms (5A’s!)
- dysfunction in major life areas
AND must include at least one of:
- delusion
- hallucination
- disorganized speech
DURATION: >= 6 months continuous signs
>= 1 month of symptoms
losing contact with reality