contraceptives Flashcards
abstinence: considerations
HSV and HPV can be spread by skin-to-skin contact!
female sterilization
tubal occlusion via tubal ligation or inserts w/ Essure
female sterilization: effectiveness
> 99%
female sterilization: duration
female sterilization: considerations
bilateral tubal ligation: $6k!
Essure effective after 3 mos
male sterilization
incision or puncture blocks vas deferens
male sterilization: effectiveness
> 99%
male sterilization: duration
male sterilization: considerations
< $1000
requires 3 month semen analysis confirmation
inserted in office by HCP
check for black strings before sex
- Paraguard: not for copper allergy, Wilsons disease
- Mirena, Skyla (hormonal): not for breast cancer, liver disease
IUD: effectiveness
> 99%
IUD: duration
copper: 10 y
Mirena: 5 yr
Skyla: 3 yr
IUD: considerations
all: irregular bleeding 1st 3 months, contraindicated w/ recent pelvic infection, STI, uterine/cervical cancer,
breastfeeding okay
Paraguard: not for copper allergy, Wilsons disease
- heavier periods. not good for dysmenorrhea
Hormonal: not for breast cancer, liver disease
- decreased amount of bleeding/cramping
- possible amenorrhea
implantable progestins
small rod inserted in skin by HCP at office
implantable progestins: effectiveness
> 99%
implantable progestins: duration
3 years
implantable progestins: considerations
Nexplanon: no estrogen, can breastfeed
side effects: irregular bleeding, weight gain, large upfront cost
injectable progestins
IM, SC injections at office
injectable progestins: effectiveness
> 99%
injectable progestins: duration
3 months
injectable progestins: considerations
Depo-Provera: no estrogen, can breastfeed
side effects: irreg bleeding (can be severe 1st 3-6 mos), wt. gain, venous thrombosis/embolism
⇓bone mineral density
⇑risk breast changes
⇓bone density if more than 3 years
vaginal ring
flexible ring inserted in vagina for 3 weeks, remove for 1 week for withdrawal bleed
Nuvaring: estrogen and progestin
vaginal ring: effectiveness
> 92%
vaginal ring: duration
1 mo