Reproduction: Fertility Monitoring Flashcards
What are the role of KPIs?
- Demonstrate efficiency to stay in business
- Show good animal health and welfare
- Use industry measures
- Provide ‘benchmark’ group
KPIs require a level (high/low) and need to convenient and low cost ideally
What is the minumum data available for KPIs?
- Legally required farm records- movements
- Product producer- numbers, dead weight, carcase grade, milk sales
- Supplier- feed input, medicine
What on farm recording systems can be used for KPIs?
- Farm dairy
- Farm computer packages
- Milk recording companies
What assessments can you as the vet make?
* Type
* Cleanliness
* Capabilities
* Motivation
* Needs from you
How is submission be monitored?
Submission rate
* No of animals served, eligible, 3 week cycle
1st service submission rate
* All animals after earliest service date who have not been served
All services submission rate
* All animals after earliest service date who are not pregnant
If not served- disease or failure to observe
Did it get served?- every 3 weeks all eligble should be served
- What is conception rate?
- Should PD be early or later?
- % pregnant of those served
- PD later- more predictive of calving, PD early- detect empty ealier
How can conception, submission be analysed?
- Cull rate for fertility
- % recalving
- Which type of animal is worst affected- risk
What is the problem with calving interval?
Needs to have calved twice- doesnt show fertility of heifers
What is the purpose of the voluntary waiting period?
If conceived to early then will have to by dryed off at peak lactation- less milk
If too late- more lifetime in late lactation
What is the purpose of interservice intervals?
Shows heat detection
Intervals- should be 3 weeks
What is the difference between pregnancy rate and conception rate?
Conception- if served what % pregnant
Preg rate- no of pregs/no of eligble cows (3 weeks) x100
So conception X submission